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in the lower layers of the rainforest, there is little light because of the shadow caused by the canopy. this means the leaves need to be bigger to absorb more light to help them survive.

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because they are lower to the ground they dont get as much sunlight and need a greater surface area to obsorb more

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Q: Why do plants on the forest floor have large leaves?
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What is the bottom layer of the rainforest?

The amazon rain forest is made up of four different layers. The second story is called the understory. The plants in the understory have large leaves for collecting sunlight.

Why do rain forest trees have broad leaves?

Cuz they have more chlorophyll in the leaves and they need the chlorophyll cuz they are in the shade and need more size to get the sunlight

Why Forest is a dynamic living entity?

Forests are home to a large number of plants and animals. Forests are the "green lungs" and serve as water purifying systems of nature. In a forest, there are various types of interactions that occur between the living and the non-living components. Plants and animals are also dependent on each other. Plants utilize the carbon dioxide that is released by the animals during the process of respiration. This carbon dioxide is used by the plants to prepare food by the process of photosynthesis. The oxygen released during photosynthesis is used by the animals for respiration. In this way, plants and animals help in maintaining the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Therefore, forests can be considered as a dynamic living entity.

What plants can be found in the understory layer of the rainforest?

The understory is hot, damp, and the air is still. This part of the rainforest is under the leaves but above the ground. The understory is a tangle of shrubs, young trees, palms and woody plants that can grown in the shade of the taller trees. The small amount of light in the understory encourages the plants to think of smart ways to survive.The leaves of many of the plants are very large, so that they can absorb or soak in as much sunlight as possible. The plants in this layer of the forest hardly ever grow higher than twelve feet Many houseplants are found in this part of the rainforest (philodendrons, prayer plant, zebra plants, and peace lily, for example). These plants can live in your living room as well as the understory because both places get little sunlight.

What layer of the rainforest do manatees live in?

Manatees are large walrus-like mammals and live in river estuaries. They are found in tropical areas such as Amazonia and the west coast of central Africa

Related questions

What is the bottom layer of the rainforest?

The amazon rain forest is made up of four different layers. The second story is called the understory. The plants in the understory have large leaves for collecting sunlight.

What is the greatest limiting factor for plants that grow on the floor of a rain forest?

Sunlight. They don't get much sunlight due to being so low on the ground beneath trees with large leaves.

What are The two large groups of plants are those that have leaves and those that to not have leaves?

false the two large groups are seed plants and nonseed plants

True or false the two large groups of plants are those that have leaves and those that do not have leaves?

False. Two large groups of plants could be seed plants and seedless plants, or vascular and nonvascular plants. All plants have leaves of some kind or another.

Name one kind of forest where the trees have large flat leaves that drop in the fall?


Why are leaves in the tropical rain forest so large?

To absorb sunlight.

What are three adaptations of bamboo?

Bamboo has adappted well to its environment that it lives in, bamboo has large leaves that kepps away some of the water and also bamboo lives of the decaying matter of the forest floor.

What are forest habitats?

forest habitat is usually dominated by the presence of large number of trees and plants

How do you determine the number of mushrooms growing on the floor of a large forest?

To determine the number of mushrooms in a large forest, you can conduct a sampling method by counting the number of mushrooms in a smaller, representative area and then scaling up to estimate the total number of mushrooms in the entire forest. This method allows you to make an educated guess without needing to count every single mushroom individually.

What do plants in a tropical rainforest usually have?

large broad leaves

Why plants that live on the rainforest have very large leaves?

there is the right amount of moisture in the ground and the air and the ground has lots of good nutrients for the plants that live and grow there

Why do some plants have large broad leaves?

To maximise the surface area for photosynthesis, plants increase the size of their leaves