

Why do plants take CO2 from the environment?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Plants use CO2 to generate energy (from glucose)

6CO2 + 6H20 -> C6H12O6 + 6O2

carbon dioxide + water -> glucose + oxygen

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Q: Why do plants take CO2 from the environment?
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What do most plants give off in the environment?

Plants take the co2 (carbon dioxide) and gives out air

How do you obtain CO2 from environment?

From plants when not receiving sunlight.

What form of carbon do plants remove from the environment?

Plants remove Carbon Dioxide from the environment.

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they release methane gas and co2

How are mountain plants adapted to the mountain environment?

Lack of CO2 and pressure, more exposure to EM radiation Plants need CO2, not O2. Remember?

What would happen if carbon dioxide (co2) was removed from a plants environment?

The plant would die. Plants need co2 to make oxygen which humans and animals need to exist.

Do plants absorb oxygen along with CO2?

Well,plants do absorb oxygen along with CO2,but only a little.We take in oxygen with CO2,but only a little.

In the sunlight what do plants take in?

Light, water, and CO2

Interdependence of living and non living thing?

Interdependence is a relationship where members are dependent on one another. Animals and plants are interdependent on each other in that animals depend on plants for food.

What is the best way to get rid of co2?

Plants. Plants will take the co2 away,but only store it, so when it dies the co2 comes back. you will need to remove the carbon from the co2 and then the co2 without the c2, it wil turn into o2 which is oxegen

Why do plants need to take CO2?

For plant respiration and photosynthesis.

What is a biotic factor of the environment A CO2 exhaled B o2 used by animals C water d leaves?

The Carbon Cycle is the process in which carbon passes through the environment. The CO2 is exhaled by animals, who inhale the O2 released by plants. The plants absorb the CO2 through their stoma and use it in the reaction during photosynthesis for energy production.