

Why do plants use insects to carry pollen?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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plantes use insetes to carry pollen cuz thay have no other way to pass pollen so thay use insectes

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11y ago

Because insects are specialized by the nature to carry pollen grains with great acuracy and specificity.

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How does pollen use the air?

Some plants, like grasses and certain trees, do not use insects to carry pollen. Instead they produce large amounts of very small pollen grains which are released into the wind for them to be carried to other plants. Very often, it is this pollen which causes hay fever.

What are the use of the petals?

to attract to bees so that they can carry the pollen to other plants.

Why don't the sperm nuclei of the male gametophyte of flowering plants have flagella?

because they do not need them for one reson they dont swim [Another explanation] Plants use other methods to transport mature pollen grains to cross-pollinate other flowers or self-pollenate. Because plants can't move about freely like animals do, plants utilize the wind and insects to help carry mature pollen grains to other flowers. Plants exploit the needs of insects such as bees providing nectar in order that in the process attach pollen grains to bees, whom will carry it on to the next flower they come in contact with.

What is the adaptive value of the flowers to plants?

The flower attracts a pollinator to the plant, which helps spread the pollen to a different plant, in order to fertilize it.

How is the pollen of plants with colorful flowers usually dispersed?

Pollen is dispersed in several ways. Some plants are wind pollinated and the pollen for these is dispersed into the air (e.g. grasses) Some plants use insects (e.g. bees) to transmit their pollen form one flower to the next (e.g. lavender) Some plants use animals (e.g. bats) to transport pollen from one flower to the next (e.g. the Kapok tree) Some plants use birds (e.g. humming birds) to transport pollen from one flower to the next (e.g. the Hibiscus plant)

HOW DO YOU use pollen in a sentence?

There are many diffrent ways to use pollen in a sentence, but here is an example of one: The flower includes pollen, which insects, such as bees, use to stey alive.

What do plants use pollen for?

pollen is used to keep plants from dying its like food besides water sun photosynthesis and other things

Why does the rose plant need to attract insects?

As with all flowering plants, its blooms are its reproductive organs, but being totally immobile,depend on insects carrying their pollen (the equivalent of animals' sperm)to the blooms onother individual plants of the same species. The insects are attracted by scent and/or colour, and bythe sweet nectar - food reward for their work! Some plants, such as grasses, also use wind to carry pollen. Their beauty to us is biologically purely co-incidental. You may not find beautiful, the blossoms of some of the tropical forestBromellids, as theyemit the same odour as decomposing animal tissue to attract blow-flies as their pollinators!

What is the use of insects?

insects are used for pollinating and regrowing more plants.

Can some plants use their own pollen to produce seeds?

YES!BECAUSE: Some plants are self-pollinated. That is, the stigma receives the pollen produced within its own flower. In some cases plants receive pollen from other plants; this process is called cross-pollination.

What is importance of pollination?

To hurt the people who are allergic to pollen by making their eye turn red or giving them a cold Edited answer: Pollen grains produce male gametes at the time of pollen germination. These gametes are responsible for making fertilization with female gamete (Egg cell) and secondary nucleus.

How can pollen be transfered from plant to plant?

POLLEN GRAINS ARE TRANSFERRED BY 3 METHODS: 1. BY WIND 2. BY INSECTS 3. BY WATER. it depends on the type of plant. some plants can be insect pollinated and some wind and some that are located near a river by water