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the metal inside the wire heats up leading to the expansion of the wire.

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Q: Why do power lines sag lower between telephone poles in summer than winter?
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Why is it advisable to allow telephone lines to sag when stringing them between poles during the summer?

Because they will contract in the winter. If you strung them tightly during summer, when the cold weather arrived, the lines would shrink, and maybe snap.

In the summer the power lines hang down between the posts then why dont the engineers tighten them up?

When objects are cooled down, they contract. Engineers who put up telephone wires in the summer leave the wires hanging slack so that in winter, the wires have a chance to contract without pulling the poles and damaging property or infrastructure.

Which latitude lines mark the summer and winter solstices?

The Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.

Why is a power line more likely to break in winter than in Summer even if it is loaded with the same weight?

In winter, power lines can become more brittle due to colder temperatures, making them more susceptible to breaking under the same weight load. Additionally, winter conditions like ice and snow accumulation can add extra weight to the power line, increasing the risk of breakage.

Why electric transmission lines between two poles are found to sag in summer?

The metal conductor in the line contracts in the cold of winter making the line more taunt, and expands making the line longer in the summer's heat. Thus the summer 'sag.'

In anyone lived in a pretty how the lines spring summer autumn winter represents the?

passage of time.

Why are powerlines more droopy in summer than winter?

In summer, power lines may appear more droopy than in winter due to the expansion of the metal conductors from the heat. High temperatures cause the metal to expand, leading to sagging of the power lines. In winter, lower temperatures cause the metal to contract, resulting in less drooping of the power lines.

What material are phone lines made of?

Telephone lines are made of iron or steel. Between the iron or steel core and the pipe is an insulating material. All Telephone lines are made and work this way.

In anyone lived in a pretty how town the lines spring summer autumn winter represent the?

passage of time.

Why do telegraph wires sag more in summer than in winter?

Sagging Power LinesIn the summer, power lines warm up with the weather. Since materials expand when they get warm, the power lines stretch out and sag. The opposite happens in the winter, as the power lines get colder, they contract. Also, in the summer the electrical load on the line is generally greater. This in turn causes increased temperature and can lead to the line sagging.

What is the reason during the summer when they set up electrical cable they allow the cables to sag?

Due to the thermal expansion of the wiring materials, the wires expand in both width and length. This affects electrical transmission lines, telephone lines, and telegraph lines because of the large space between supporting poles. Example : Copper (Cu) Thermal Expansion= 17.6 μm/m/oC

What is an electronic device used for communication between different computers through telephone lines called?
