

Why do raisins bloat when left in wate?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why do raisins bloat when left in wate?
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What would happen to raisins left in water?

it would absorb the water into the raisins to equal out the concentration within the water and the raisins.

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It Depends really, you can get sundried raisins which are grapes left out in the sun until they dry out to form raisins.

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Why does raisin bran cause you to bloat up?

I think you may be gluten-intollerant. You may need a gluten-free diet. This is exctly what happens to me so I no longer eat bread, bran or anything with wheat, rye or bran in it and I no longer bloat. As soon as I do eat it I bloat very quickly. Also, since raisins are really a fruit (dried grapes) and bran is a carbohydrate, the two of them shouldn't really be eaten together because the fruit ferments and reacts with the bran, so this is making it even worse.

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i dont know but jacinta makes you bloat...

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