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It is an instinct. Being out in the open makes them vulnerable.

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Q: Why do rats and mice stay close to walls?
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Why do rats stay up at night?

d) this is a ackward question but rats could stay up for so many reasons

Do mice share body heat?

Many mammals do, mice like to hurdle close together to help them stay warm.

I live in a third floor apartment and I hear something moving in the walls do rats climb up to the third floor or do they mainly stay in the basement?

norvigien rats can swim very well while regular tree rats climb very well. both can end up in the walls of a 3rd floor apartment

How can you tell a baby rat from a baby rabbit?

baby rats dont have no hair and are like a inch to a inch in a half and baby rabits have hair and are big I don't know about rats but baby rabbits are born with no fur and with their eyes closed. They start to get fur at 3 days of age and open their eyes at 10 days. They are from 2 1/2 inches to 6 inches long when they are born depending on breed.

Do rats stay with other rats?

if born together then separated they will be territorial if reunited

What are the best pets is it like mice or rats dogs cats fish birds?

Well if you want a fun and loyle pet get a dog. If you want and cuddling and not as playful pet a get and cat. I recommend mice and rats if you want a lil interesting pet but don't get guinea pigs , they go to the bathroom to much. Don't get fish they are bad pets!!!!!! Birds are great if you want something to stay on your shoulders and talk and mimic you!

Will rats and hamsters get along?

no. they do the exact opposite. if you have a hamster, then rats, mice and other rodents will know that a rodent lives here so they will stay away. I don't know why though.

Can a mouse climb a bed?

Rats are very good at climbing, so yes, one could climb into a bed. But, generally they prefer to stay away from humans, and are rarely to be found in 'open spaces' - preferring to stay near walls and easy escape routes. keep cheese away from your privates because they will mistake it for food.

How does a raccoon move?

Rats scurry. They stay out of the open. If they are in a house or building, you will always notice that they stay close to the walls or objects that are in the room. Rats have poor eyesight and rely on their whiskers to navigate in their world. They have the ability to learn and remember. Pet rats and research rats have been trained to go through mazes because of how rats naturally move about and because of their remarkable ability to learn and remember things. In nature, when they are not in the sewers or in peoples' houses and buildings, they actually just burrow underground. When they need to, rats can run fast. They can also swim, but they prefer not to and don't like it. They swim only when their lives depend on it.

Do rats eat termites because if they do and you have rats living in the walls of your home then should you let them stay there?

I've never heard that & if they did, I would not count on them to get rid of a termite problem where most are not accessible anyway. You definitely don't want rats taking over your house. There is a food source & it may beshared think about it. If you were a rat, would you prefer termites or human food?

What rodents are smarter than mice?

rats and ferrets are very smart animals. they can learn their names and a couple of simple tricks such as sit and stay, because of their intellegence they need to be socially active and have toys to entertain themselves when they are alone.

Where do rat or mouse lived?

in sewers in your top ceiling they can live in different places under your house,in your house, in buildings,and in war world I they had trenches to fight in and there was rats and mice in the trenches and the marines had to stay there with them for days, weeks, months, years.