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Q: Why do red eared slider turtles have a hole in its tongue?
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What is the most common type of turtle for a pet in the US?

a mobilian turtle (male or female) MALE-has long claws and bottom of shell caves in and there is a hole halfway on the tail FEMALE-has short claws and also the bottom of the shell should come out or be flat and the hole shold be right where the tail starts.

Would it hurt your turtle if you put a small hole near the edge of her shell to attach a lead so you can take her outside more often?

I'm no turtle expert, but I wouldn't. Their shell is a bone, which is attached to their ribs. You could try a collar and leash. I have two turtles, a red eared slider and a box turtle, and I take a piece of fabric, tie it tightly (not too tightly) around their shell, put a hole in that, and attach a small leash. A lot of people do it, but make sure it's okay with your vet before you put a hole in the shell (if you still want to).

How long can a red eared slider stay in the water without basking?

turtles need to bask in sunlight but if it's too strong, it will run away, if you have the right temperature, your turtle will stay under the sun for a long time. there is no limit to basking, just watch until your turtle walks away from it

What are the long-term effects of getting your tongue pierced?

You are left with a hole in your tongue and your food sometimes gets stuck in the hole.

What happens when you bite a huge hole on your tongue?

How do you bite a huge hole in your tongue? Well I assume you would bleed or live

Why is there a hole in the end of a chameleons tongue?

to eat

Why do bearded dragons have a hole in their tongue?

its how they smell

Where do turtles have baby's?

Turtles have their eggs in the sand, they dig a very deep hole (it is more long the wide) and lay their eggs in it (they dig the hole deep so it will keep the eggs warm) they then cover up the hole again and leave.

What is sex tonguing?

when your partner puts there tongue in your hole

Are there any movies based on a turtles life?

butt Hole

How does loggerhead sea turtles take care off there young?

By digging a hole and keeping their young in that hole.

What happens when an anaconda bites its tongue?

The anaconda may have a hole