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Because. I mean they don't really hate black people. But we hate how ignorant some of them are. We all don't hate them. We dislike them and there ignorance. Well we only dislike the ignorant ones.

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Q: Why does the KKK hate black people?
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Well seeing as how the KKK hates black people, and Obama is 50% black person, that means they 50% protest him. I hate black people too. You should try it.

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The Ku Klux Klan were killing black people because they felt that black people did not deserve to live freely.

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The KKK believes that gay people and people of non-white races are defective and inferior.

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The KKK was a hate group.

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The KKK promotes white supremacy and is known for its racist beliefs and actions. If members of the KKK were to witness a white boy and black girl kissing, they may react with hostility, violence, or verbal abuse due to their racist ideologies.

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Sadly, the KKK did and still does have influence in society. The KKK encouraged and influenced people to hate other racial groups and try to brainwash people into believing in a superior race.

What do KKK medallions mean to black people?

Kkk mean that, well ir racist.

Why were the KKK against blacks?

unfortunately, those people were taught to believe that they were better than black people. they weren't taught that God created all people and we are equal. Hate breeds hate. They weren't taught any better and it got worse and worse

Does the KKK hate fat people?

No they do not. Most are over weight white guys. Hardcore skin-heads sometimes hate fat people but as a disability.

Did the KKK steel things?

yeah, black people