

Best Answer

Democratic elections:

  1. ? First, everyone should be able to
  2. choose. This means that everyone
  3. should have one vote and every
  4. vote should have equal value.
  5. We have seen why
  6. democracies need
  7. to have elections.
  8. But why do rulers
  9. in non-democratic
  10. countries need to
  11. hold elections?
  12. 59
  13. ? Second, there should be
  14. something to choose from. Parties
  15. and candidates should be free to
  16. contest elections and should offer
  17. some real choice to the voters.
  18. ? Third, the choice should be offered
  19. at regular intervals. Elections must
  20. be held regularly after every few
  21. years.
  22. ? Fourth, the candidate preferred by
  23. the people should get elected.
  24. ? Fifth, elections should be
  25. conducted in a free and fair
  26. manner where people can choose
  27. as they really wish.

Elections in non democratic countries are held up just to show that they are quite democratic and fulfill the wishes of the people but in reality they aren't democratic. This is called disguised democracy. Example: China.

Case of China:

In China, elections are regularly held

after every five years for electing the

country's parliament, called

Quanguo Renmin Daibiao Dahui

(National People's Congress). The

National People's Congress has the

power to appoint the President of the

country. It has nearly 3,000

members elected from all over

China. Some members are elected

by the army. Before contesting

elections, a candidate needs the

approval of the Chinese Communist

Party. Only those who are members

of the Chinese Communist Party or

eight smaller parties allied to it were

allowed to contest elections held in

2002-03. The government is always

formed by the Communist Party.

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