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The feast day of a saint is nominally a day important to that saint, perhaps a birthday or the date on which the saint is believed to have died. One of the reasons the early Church placed great importance on the feast days of saints was to diverty attention away from pagan sacred days. For example, Pope Gregory instructed Augustine and Mellitus, missionaries to bring Christianity to England, if there has been a custom of sacrificing animals on a certain day in honour of the pagan idols, those days should be changed: "Let some other solemnity be substituted in its place, such as a day of Dedication or the Festivals of the holy martyrs whose relics are enshrined there."
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Q: Why do saints have a feast day?
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What is the feast day of the two saints that is a holy day for the Universal Church but not for the Church in the U.S.?

The feast of Saints Peter and Paul - June 29.

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The feast of All Saints is celebrated on November 1st. It is a day for Christians to honor and remember all the saints in heaven, both known and unknown.

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Everyday there are dozens of saints that are memorialized. However, if that feast falls on a Sunday or another important feast day, or Good Friday, the saint's day is not observed.

Does every saint have a feast day?

No. There are thousands of saints, so it would be impossible for every single one of them to have their own feast day (unless we decided to devote each day of the calendar to several different saints). Instead, only those saints who had the greatest impact on the Church or around whom a fervent devotion has grown are celebrated with feast days in the liturgical calendar.

What feast of two saints is a holy day for the Universal Church but not for Church of the US?

June 29 - the feast of Saints Peter and Paul

How did All Saints gets its name?

Nearly all the recognized saints have a designated feast day each year. However, there are thousands and thousands of saints in Heaven whose names are known only to God who do not have a feast day. All Saints Day recognizes all the unnamed saints.

What date is All Saints Day celebrated?

November 1 is the feast of All Saints.

What is Saints Cyril's feast day?

The feast day of St. Cyril, brother of St. Methodius, is February 14. He shares the date with St. Valentine and several other saints.

Is feast day the same as saints day?

The feast day of the saint is the same as the saint's day. For example, the Feast of St. Patrick is also known as St. Patrick's Day - March 17.

Does Saint John have a feast day?

There are more than a hundred saints named John and each one has a feast day.

Is it possible to not have a patron saint?

No, it is not possible. You have at least 2 patron saints - the saint for whom you are named and the saint/saints who have their feast day on your date of birth. There are about 20 saints or more who have feast days every day of the year.