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Q: Why do sand dollars bury themselves?
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Flounders bury themselves to avoid being detected by their prey. They bury themselves in sand or mud and wait until their prey approaches.

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to keep themselves warm at night. so you need to put a lot of that sand with calcium in it

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They bury themselves in the sand ...

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How do sand dollars protect themselves?

Sand dollars don't protect themself, they just sit their........ :)-

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they bury themselves under the wet sand

How sand dollars got its name?

sand dollars got there name because they are shaped like a coin and they dig themselves into the sand

Do hermit crabs prefer rocks or sand?

Hermit crabitats can have sand or coconut fibers, for they both are good for burying under.

Why are sand dollars found in sand?

Because that is where they live, that way they can burrie themselves in the sand to get protection from predators.

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How are sand dollars poison to humans?

They are not harmful although baby dollars clone themselves when they sense danger.

Can hermit crabs live in moonsand?

No. They need to bury themselves in sand, and moonsand pack together too much. You can buy normal sand for a sand box to put them in, though. There is special sand that you can add sometimes to their cage too.