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Q: Why do scientist never say a theory is proven or not?
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Is it correct to say gravity is only a theory?

No. It's never correct to say that anything is "only" a theory or "just" a theory or"merely" a theory or "nothing but" a theory or an "unproven" theory.A theory can never be proven, but it can be dis-proven in two seconds. If a theoryhas been around for three hundred years and it hasn't been dis-proven yet, thenthat's a pretty good indication that you can trust the statement it makes.

Why don't scientist say they have proven their hypothesis true?

Unlike religion, science need objective and strong evidence before giving credit to a theory as explanation of something. And anything that has been proven "true" can always be proven wrong by any other new theory which fits better or simoly be proven wrong.

What does a scientist usually say instead of all?

A scientific theory

How was the big boom created?

The Big Bang theory is that all the substance in space collected together and had a catastophic explosion in space and through that all the galaxies and planets and etc. formed in space. Alot of scientist and athiest believe in this theory to explain how everything came to be. But i still say God had a part with it. First of all, this theory can be proven wrong by me in one simple step...the fact that an explosion needs air to explode proves this theory false because there is no air in space... so congradulation scientist, you have just been proven wrong by a freshman in high-school!

How E equals mc2 was proven wrong?

Some scientist say that E=MC2 is wrong because neutrinos are faster than light. As of 2014, it has not been proven wrong, but there are scientist working to see if they can prove it wrong.

When is your ghost and soul created?

It depends on who you ask, Since it isn't proven that humans have soul. A religious person may say when your born, but a scientist may say never. Personally i think your soul is created when you are born. (and I'm not religious nor a scientist.) same answer to when a persons ghost is created, it depends on who you ask. but i would say it is created when you die.

Are there really seven persons who look alike on earth?

That's what they say, but that theory has yet to be proven.

When a hypothesis is supported by an experiment do we say that we have proven the experiment and it can become a theory?

That's the first step.

Was Anne Bonny bisexual?

I don't know but some say it was never proven!

Is it correct to say you have never proved?

It would be more accurate to say "you have never been proven."

Is the universe contracting?

not yet but obviously you've heard the theory that it does. so i will tell you this its a theory. its not proven because the big bang is not proven that's just the theory everyone goes with. they say the universe will contract, but that wont happen in my lifetime nor billions of other peoples lifetimes after us. they say it will happen billions.. maybe trillions of years after us.

What is ghost ranches theory for the extinction of coelophysis dinosaurs?

scientist say the die because of a flood and a drought