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Scientists can measure that the global temperature is rising. They know that rising temperatures will change the climate. Weather happens from day to day, but climate change takes longer, several years, or several decades before it becomes clear that it is happening. That is the situation now. Scientists know that rising temperatures will change the climate.

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Q: Why do scientists think that climate is changing?
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Why do climate scientists believe climate change is real and is of concern?

Climate scientists believe climate change is real and is of concern because they understand the science involved and the factors that contribute to the climate, what controls it, and what is happening that makes the climate change. They also see and understand how the climate is changing and why it is happening.

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The temperatrue and water speed.

Do scientists think people affect climate change?

Yes climate scientists think that people are affecting climate change mostly from carbon emissions (from burning fossil fuels) and because we have destroyed the forests of the world that used to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

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Do scientists make up the earth's changing climate?

No, scientists neither create the climate, nor imagine the changes occurring within it. Instead, they measure the change.Some climate scientists are financially or politically motivated (generally by the fossil fuel industry) to find no correlation between human activity and climate change. Most scientists, however, lack any financial incentive to find one way or the other. Claims climate scientists not funded by the fossil fuel industry are financially invested in the outcomes of their research are simply false. In fact, climate scientists have an incentive to overturn the current findings. This is how scientists win fame and acclaim--NOT by upholding established findings.

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What natural factors do scientists think might be causing climate change?

There are no natural factors that scientists think are causing the present climate change. It is now clear that global warming is caused by deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas).

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this has been a mystery for a long time, scientists think that it is because of hunting and climate change

How long do we have to survive if climate change does not stop?

Some scientists think the human race has a 50:50 chance of surviving beyond 2100 if climate change continues.

What type of scientist studies global warming?

Climate scientists and atmospheric scientists are the main experts studying global warming. There are many names for the different aspects of climate study.climatologist: scientists who study weather patterns and climate.meteorologist: scientists who study the weather and how it changes.oceanographers: scientists who study weather and climate based on what is happening in the world's oceans.biologists: scientists that study climate change based on how it is impacting animals.anthropologists: scientists who are studying people, and how climate change may affect our way of life as a civilized society

Is your climate in the US changing?

No :)