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There are a number of clues that scientists look for to determine the diet of an animal. One is the shape of the teeth. In Iguanodon, the teeth aren't sharp or serrated, and are designed for chewing plants, not killing or dismembering animal prey. Another clue is the claws. If an animal has a lot of sharp claws, it is more likely to be carnivorous. With the exception of its thumb claws, Iguanodon didn't have sharp claws, and its thumb claw was probably used for self defense. Another hint is the jawbone. The jaw wasn't designed to bite down firmly on prey like the jaws of a carnivorous dinosaur such as Tyrannosaurus or Allosaurus.

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Q: Why do scientists think that the Iguanodon is a herbivore?
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Was the iguanodon a herbivore or a carnivore?

Yes, the Iguanodon was an herbivorous dinosaur. They ate contemporary plants such as conifers and ferns. To reach higher foliage, they could have stood on their hind legs.

How can scientists say that the Iguanodon is a herbivore?

It's name means "iguana tooth" because it's teeth were like an iguana's. Iguanas eat plants so it's reasonable that Iguanadon was also a herbivore.

How many eggs does Iguanodon lay?

I think the answer isI don't know

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i dont know but i think herbivore

Was the iguanodon a plant or flesh eater?

Iguanodon was a plant eater, or herbivore. Its teeth were designed for plant eating, and their jaws had evolved the ability to chew, which assisted with digesting vegetation. Chewing isn't a necessary adaptation in carnivores, because meat doesn't contain cell walls and is thus easier to digest than plants.

Why do deinonychus eat iguanodon?

Deinonychus lived between 115 and 108 million years ago in North America, while Iguanodon lived between 126 and 125 million years ago in Europe. Thus, Deinonychus never would have encountered Iguanodon. Fossil evidence shows that Deinonychus often ate the remains of Tenontosaurus, a 20+ foot long herbivore that weighed up to 2 tons. Whether the Deinonychus were scavenging or had hunted the Tenontosaurus in a pack is unknown. Even if it did hunt large herbivores in a pack, though, Iguanodon was nearly twice as large as Tenontosaurus, so in the case that some Deinonychus did come across an Iguanodon, it probably would have been very difficult for a pack of Deinonychus to hunt and kill an adult Iguanodon. A young Iguanodon would have been easy prey for Deinonychus, though.

Asker What are the 2 species of iguanodon you are thinking of?

Answerer: Marine Iguanodon and Lesser Antillean Iguanodon. Asker: How did you know? Answerer: That is another question.

What is the iguanodons real name?

Iguanodon is its genus name. There is one currently accepted species of the Iguanodon genus. This species's Latin name is Iguanodon bernissartensis.

What is the iguanodons common nick name?

There is no "nickname" for Iguanodon. Iguanodon is the scientific name for the genus, and the full Latin name for the only species in this genus is Iguanodon bernissartensis. Iguanodon means "iguana tooth" in while bernissartensis refers to Bernissart, Belgium, where the first nearly complete skeletons of Iguanodon were discovered.

Is a nightingale bird a carnivore an omnivore or a herbivore?

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