

Best Answer

They don't.

Tom Cruise joked that he was going to. He didn't

Recipe: from mom rinse placenta, catch water if desired for suntea

sever cord at base of cake, flip featl membrane over placenta creating pocket cover

steam 15 minutes each side in cast iron or stainless steel pan with water mix of fresh ginger and lemon, poke and bleed if necessary

slice cake and place in dehydration method (can take 6 to 8 hrs. Check keep flowing

Break into halves or thirds the cake after removing it from the tray placing into dry container grinder. Add herbs ready ground dry mix in mortar.

Place Earth Woman's powders into jar or encapsulate.

Care by keeping refrigerated.

Mom takes 6 a day until ready (1 week) split up 3 x

@2week use 4, 3xday

And @ 3 week you are obviously feeling great and really appreciating them, happy rested well and parturitioned gracefully

can also make hot tea and add the powders to your glass.

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Q: Why do scientologists eat the placenta of their baby?
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Is it true that some people eat the placenta?

Yes! Unbelievably some people who believe certain things do eat the placenta after the baby is born! ergh!

What are the risks with the placenta positioned at the front?

the baby could eat you in your sleep

What attatches the placenta to the baby?

The umbilical cord attatches the placenta to the baby's belly.

What are the differences and functions of placenta and umbillicle cord?

The nutrients of the baby is located at the placenta while the umbilical cord links the placenta and the baby.

To which structure does the umbilical cord connect the embryo?

The umbilical cord is attached to the placenta and the placenta is attached to the wall of the uterus

How do you get the placenta out?

The placenta follows the baby, attached by the umbilical cord.

How does the fetus get its needs?

Inside of your belly is a umbilical cord going to your embriotic sac (the thing the baby is in) from the placenta. The placenta takes some of the nutrients from your blood and passes it through the cord to your baby. This is why your baby eats what you eat, and is why you can't smoke or drink without risk of harming it.

How is the fetus connected to the placenta?

the fetus is the baby and the placenta is how the baby gets nutrients or food while in the womb, there is a tube that connects from the placenta to the fetus bellybutton

How is baby?

The baby is connected to the mother through the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord is connected to the placenta, and the placenta is connected to the uterus. The placenta and umbilical cord are temporary organs that are expelled when the baby is born.

Is a placenta and a womb the same thing?

No. The womb is your uterus. The placenta is what attaches the baby to the umbilical chord and provides the baby with nutrients. During labor the female will expel the placenta after the baby is delivered.

What is it called when the placenta is birthed before the fetus?

This condition is called Placenta Previa. With placenta previa, the placenta grows on the lower part of the uterus partially or totally covering the opening of the cervix. The placenta should form at the top of the uterus, above the baby. With a normal pregnancy, the baby would be born first, then the placenta. With placenta previa, the placenta would be delivered first. Women with placenta previa require a c-section because as soon as the umbilical cord comes into contact with oxygen, the baby will automatically breathe with his lungs. Delivering the placenta first puts the baby at risk of suffocation in the womb.

What is the difference between the umbilical cord and placenta?

The placenta is the goo around the baby and the umbilical cord is how the baby gets nutrience.