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Q: Why do scones go stale quite quickly after they have been made?
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Stale air is air that has not been circulating. This stale air is usually found in an enclosed space such as a closed up house.

Which country brought scones to New Zealand?

While scones or schoonbrood is of Dutch origin, the likely vehicle for it in New Zealand would have been the English.

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An unpresented cheque is one that hasnt been presented for payment yet. A stale cheque is one that has expired.

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Large amounts of oxygen, combined with dark magic, have been proven to make iron corrode quite quickly.

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Blood is the fluid in the body that delivers oxygen to cells. The definition of stale blood is blood that has been stored for over 3 weeks in the blood bank.

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Stale green light is a term used in traffic terminology. Essentially, it means that the green light has been green so long that it's about to turn yellow.

What is A traffic light that has been green for a while and is about to turn yellow is known as?

a stale green light

Does chocolate get old or stale?

It most certainly can. It can't get old if it's in a wrapper that hasn't been opened, but it can still become stale and hard as a rock. If this happens, I would suggest warming it in front of a fire or heater.

Was there bread pudding in Britain on World War 2?

Although I was only a baby at the time Bread Pudding has always been there. It was another way of using what you had and bread would go stale very quickly and cooking a Bread Pudding was another "something to eat" during the war.

How much sodium in a biscuit?

One raisin scone has about 300-400 calories, depending.

What are good ingredients to add into scones?

The classic thing to put in the scone mixture is cheese; sourcream and chive is also good. Choritzo or some other kind of spiced sausage might be quite nice, possibly with saffron. Or you could try adding some cornmeal/polenta, lemon, coriander and ancho chilis (cream cheese or creme fraiche filling). Black pudding might make an interesting addition (cubed, to the dough). The possibilities are fairly limitless; just think of a meal that you enjoy and see what elements of it you can add to a scone. Nb. For most of these flavors, the scone dough will need plenty of salt in it, to ensure that it cannot be mistaken for a "sweet scone" and to enhance the flavors of the other ingredients. In savory scones, salt is even more important than in sweet scones.

Is it bad if you eat an Oreo that's been stuck in your anus for a few months?

If it was stale then it was bad. If it tasted fine then it's ok.