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Seahorses live in the intertidal zone because this area offers a wide variety of food and sunlight that the seahorses require for life. The area is also often sheltered with trees and rocks that help the seahorse to hide from predators.

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Q: Why do seahorses live in the Itertidal zone?
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Why do seahorses live in the intertidal zone?

Seahorses live in the intertidal zone because they are protected from predators and have access to food in this area. Seahorses are not great swimmers so they tend to stay in shallow water.

What zone seahorses live in?

Intertidal Zone Sunlight Zone, and a few species in The Twilight Zone .

Which zone probably has the greatest variety of living things the neritic zone or the itertidal zone or the open-ocean zone?

This question is debatable. It could either be the open-ocean zone because it is bigger and deeper so animals who can live at the bottom and the top can live in the open-ocean zone. it could be the neritic zone because of the water that flows through and etc. =D

Where at in the ocean do sea horses live?

sea horses live in the twighlight zone so they can get sunlight and warmth

In what plants do seahorses live in the ocean?

seahorses do not live in plants.

What habitat do seahorses have?

Seahorses live in the sea.

What types of seahorses and where they live?

i guess they live in the sea and there are many types of seahorses

What zone does a sea star live in?

Intertidal Zone Sunlight Zone, and a few species in the twilight zone .

Does seahorses live in the ocean or lake?

Seahorses live in saltwater, so they are found in the ocean.

Are seahorses in the oceans?

Yes, seahorses live in oceans and seas.

Where are seahorses at?

seahorses live in almost every ocean. they live in the most deep part of the ocean.

Map on where seahorses live?

wear seahorses live