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You probably didn't know that you can actually also feed silkworms beetroot leaves.

I've had silkworms before, and I've never fed it to them, but my friend did, and apparently they went a very pleasing shade of pink!

As to their mulberry habits, I have no idea, but does it really matter?


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Q: Why do silkworms only eat mullberry leaves?
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Silkworms only eat fresh mulberry leaves (or artificial food)

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Silkworms only thrive on the leaves of the mullberry tree.

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Silkworms are the larvae of any number of species of moths, collectively called Silk Moths. The species used for nearly all commercial silk is Bombyx mori. and they are highly "host specific" meaning the organism (the symbiont) depends upon one particular species of plants, animal, or insect for its host, and they will only eat Mullberry leaves.

What are facts about silkworms?

silkworms eat mulberry leaves

What else does a silkworms eat other than mulberry leaves?

Silkworms also eat beetroot leaves

Why do silkworms only eat mulberry leaves?

cause they want to and its a prophcey

What do silkworms mostly eat?

caterpillars mainly feed on mulberry leaves

Can silkworms eat beetroot leaves?

Apparently yes, silkworms can/will eat beetroot leaves but not if they have already been eating mulberry leaves. But this is hearsay for me. I have raised them on lettuce leaves from start to finish, however.

What are silk worms?

Silkworms are like to eat leaves from a Mullberry Tree. They also like rotten cheese!!!!!!!

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Silkworms, a type of caterpillar, are the source of silk threads. Silkworms make a cocoon about an inch long in an oval shape. Silkworms only eat the leaves of white mulberry trees.

What is the name of the person who keeps silkworms?

They eat Mulberry leaves.

What do Silk worms eat?

All day, Silkworms just eat Mulberry leaves!!!