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Because bigger businesses pay more...they have easier access to $

...they want market share without starting small again

...they have more pressure to grow

...they can create value by rolling up marketing and management into their group

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Q: Why do small businesses sell to larger businesses?
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the small businesses do to survive from bigger businesses is to have a lot of network in the market. Bigger businesses tend to sell product which in bulk orders in comparison small business do retailing that what bigger businesses to gain income.

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Microsoft has software for individuals and small businesses. Microsoft does have a firewall software product for small businesses. Bigger businesses may also use their software.

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The best small business grants are grants offered by government services like SBA that help small businesses grow and become stable without taxing too much interest on the businesses which could hinder their growth. Small businesses can really grow into larger businesses by taking the grants.

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When businesses sell to other businesses over the internent these transactions are known as?

When businesses sell to other businesses over the internet these transactions are known as B2B.