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Stars "burn" hydrogen related to the amount of pressure on their cores. A larger star has more pressure in it's core and thus has a higher temperature. This extra pressure creates additional nuclear fusion, and thus it uses it's "supply" of hydrogen much faster.

A small star, has less pressure on it's core and can thus last for a long time.
Stars "burn" hydrogen related to the amount of pressure on their cores. A larger star has more pressure in it's core and thus has a higher temperature.

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11y ago

Faster, and ending differently. Solar-mass stars spend a long time on the Main Sequence, swell up to become red giants, and finally shrink into dwarfs. Massive stars do everything at high speed and become supernovae, leaving white dwarf remnants.

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13y ago

they burn less gas at one time and conserves gas and burns slower therefor lasting longer

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Q: Why do small stars have longer lifetime than large stars?
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How many years does a star lives?

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How does a large star differ from a small star?

In the size. Also, large stars normally have a hotter core, and produce significantly more energy than small stars; as a result, they don't last very long - after a few million years, the largest stars are burnt out. Note: the key difference for the above is not so much the diameter (which changes over the lifetime of a star), but the mass.

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A collective noun for a group of stars is a cluster of stars (small group) and a galaxy of stars (large group).

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There are 5 stars on the flag, one large gold star is arounded by 4 smaller stars. The large one represents the Communist Party of China, while the four small star represents the classes of the country.There are 5 stars. One big star and 4 smaller stars to the right of it.

What characteristics do red stars share?

They are either small and cool and fusing hydrogen or large and hot, fusing helium. The large and hot ones ape read because although they are hot, this heat is radiated over a large surface area. Large red stars are approaching the end of their lives, small, cool red stars will have very, very long lives.

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I suggest you do some reading on both, to get an idea what a neutron star really is, and what a supergiant is. For a start, some differences are: their diameter; their density; the fact that a neutron star no longer produces any energy.

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The amount of time a star shines depends on its size and type. Generally, smaller stars like our sun shine for about 10 billion years. Larger stars may only shine for a few million years before burning out.