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if they are in a box they usally climb on each other as they think they can get higher so that they can escape but if it is a smaler snail on a bigger one then it might be its mother

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Q: Why do snail climb on a diffERENT snail?
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Can snail climb tree?

Yes they can

Would a snail be able to get out of a full bucket of water?

Snails are able to climb vertical surfaces with ease.

What is the circumference of a snail shell?

Different snail shells are different sizes. If this question in refering to your own snail, measure the whole distance across in th middle of the snail shell. That is called diameter. Then multiplying by pii (3.14). That answer should be a well done estimate for your snail shell. :)

What is different from the burmese python than the brown garden snail?

THEY are not the same kind of snail

Why does a snail leave a slimy trail?

yes. Slugs leave slime and so does a special type of snake.

Is it safe for a water snail to be taken out of its tank?

yes you know how they climb up the side. they're getting a little bit of air

How do you unlock different colors in fancy pants 2?

There will be a snail and a hole in each level. Kick the snail into the holes.

Can you play with a snail?

Yes as a matter of fact you can! Snails loved to be played with if you put your finger in front of them they will climb aboard! They love to explore new places! If you put your snail in a big container with lots of interesting items you will rarely find it stopped!

Can a squirrel move backwards?

One trick is to place food where you want the snail to go. I put algae tabs and plant matter above the water line to entice them to climb.

Can snails detect different colors?

No. Snail can not detect the colors

What is a snail size?

Snails grow to a variety of different sizes depending on the species and individual. The largest known land snail is the Giant African Snail (Achatina achatina). The Giant African Snail has been known to grow to lengths of up to 30cm.

A snail is at the bottom of a well 20m deep it crawls up 4 meters in 1.5 hours by which time it is tired and instantly falls back 3 meters how long does it take for the snail to climb out of the well?

It takes 1.5 hours to climb 1 meter. The well is 20m high. So you multiply 1.5 and 20, which equals 30 (0.5 or 50% or half of tweny is ten, so I added ten on to twenty and got thirty). It would take the snail 30 hours.