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When they get scared, they release the bubble as a fear mechanism

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11y ago

Because there dieing

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Q: Why do snails bubble up when they eat an apple?
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Can you feed apples to an aquatic snail?

Apple snails are not called apple snails because they eat apples. They are called Apple Snails because of their size. True apple snails (Pomacea canaliculata) can grow up to 5" in Dia. Nontheless Apple Snails can eat apples.

How many times in a day do snails eat?

Snails can eat up to 8 loafs a day.

What is the recipe for Pancakes With Snails?

Make the pancakes, add the snails, eat the mixture, clean up the barf!

What do snails eat for kids?

they eat fruit,vegies also chopped up role poles.

What is the connection between salt and snail?

When you pour salt on a snail it dries up the snail making it bubble. It burns the snail and usually ends up killing it. This is why sometimes people surround their gardens with salt so snails can't come in and eat their plants.

I have an apple snail that has laid THREE separate mounds of eggs in the past two weeks- how should you go about putting up walls or whatnot?

if you don't want the snails to be there you can buy a clown loach to eat them

What do baby flamingos eat?

The mothers or fathers throw up digested shrimp and snails and the babies eat it.

Do apple snails eat algae?

yes that is why they go up and down the tank. There eating algae even if your tank looks clean there will be microscopic algae everywhere, but if you let them live on algae they will die because they need to eat apples or cucumbers.

Should snails live together in a fish bowl?

Absolutley yes. I had about 3 snails in my fish tank, they breed and make more. Make sure that they do not slide up the sides. But apple snails and golden mystery snails love to live in such a habitat. Glad I could help. (:

Are apple snails edible?

No, apple snails are not poison if they bite you, the reason is because they cannot bite. They have a rough raspy tongue called a radula and they use that to scrape up and eat algae or plants depending on the type of apple snail. They cannot bite you. Several species are eating by humans especially in Asia but research has shown that the eggs are very poisonous. A type of cone snail in the south pacific is very poisonous, it can sting and kill you in short time.


Sea snails eat moss and some plants that grow in water. that is a true answer that is not a lie it has been looked up soo yeah

Is it bad to eat snails?

Some are poisonous, but some are OK. Not good to pick one up and eat it. Trust the restaurants.