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Because they think it's unnatural.

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Q: Why do so many people hate gay guys?
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Does God hate gay guys?

God doesn't hate.

Why do guys hate musicals or is it that only women and gay men like it?

There are many straight guys who love musicals and there are many gay men who hate them. These are silly stereotypes which have nothing to do with sexual orientation.

What splits hydrogen and oxygen gas?

cause hydrogen is gay and oxygen is straight and straight guys hate gay guys

Does Bill kaultz hate gay guys?

He has no prob with them. Some of his friends are.

Do gay guys hate girls?

Just because you don't love someone, doesn't mean that you hate them. Gay guys like girls as regular friends just as much as straight guys, if not more so. They just don't like them sexually.

Why gay people hate women?

They don't usually hate them? in fact they usually become friends with them

Does Carrie Underwood hate gay people?

she doesn't hate 'gay' people. she loves everyone, she's a sweetheart.

Do gay people hate bisexuals?

It depends on the person, but gay people are more likely NOT to hate because of orientation than straight people.That said, there are some gay people who hate bisexuals and vice versa.

Why do gay people hate being called gay?

The gay people I know don't hate being called gay. Young people use the word gay in an offensive way. This is abuse and bullying and good people never do it.

Do straight guys ever have gay feelings?

By definition, a "straight" guy would never have any gay feelings (if you're talking about attractions). If a man has gay feelings, he's not 100% straight.Please note that this is not the same thing as having gay thoughts or gay dreams. Any man many have these thoughts. But they are not attractions.

Are super skinny jeans gay on guys?

No. No clothing is gay on guys. Clothing cannot be gay. Only people can be.

Are French guys gay?

Yes. Some French guys are gay, since there are gay people in every country.