

Why do so many people think the world will end in 2012?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Paranoia mixed with being gullible. There has never been a time where someone hasn't set a date for the end of the world to happen. Each time many fall for it and even sometimes start cults which take their own lives before the approaching date.

Sadly religious beliefs such as Christianity also contribute to this delusions as people wish to see their religious version of the end of the world.

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Q: Why do so many people think the world will end in 2012?
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I don't know. And, the world won't end in 2012. Get a life nerd. Actually i think that people believe the world will end is cause of the mayan calender ending. This wont happen just continue with your lives and live to the fullest. Don't worry about anything. But can you imagine how many people are gonna go crazy on the 21st of December 2012. People will be braking and entering in the stores and stuff.

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Never. Many people think something apocolyptic or cataclysmic will happen in 2012, though that isn't fact.

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Because the movie 2012 was made, so many people fear that the world will end in 2012. The truth is no one knows. So don't think the about when the world will end, instead live your life to its fullest :)

Why are you going to die 2012?

I, personally, do not think that I am going to die in 2012 but there are many people who do think that they are for many different reasons. The main reason for many is that the Mayan Calendar ends in 2012. Another reason is the fact that Nostradamis, a famous prophet and astrologer, predicted the world ends in 2012. For more information contact me on