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Q: Why do soil depend upon plants?
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Why is soil a valuable?

Plants depend on soil to live and grow, Humans & Animals depend on those plants.

How do plants and animals depend upon each other?

Lifecycle on the earth is interdependent. 1) plants get nutrient elements from the soil. 2) herbivores animals eat this plants. 3) carnivores animals depend on herbivores for food. 4) when the carnivores dies the body gets decomposed in soil IN this way they are interrelated

Why land animals including meat eaters depend on soil?

Plants need soil to grow. Animals either eat plants, or eat animals that ate plants. No soil, no food.

Do plants need soil to live?

it may depend on what plant it is. But usually yes they do need soil.

Why is wool depended on soil?

Plants are grown in soil, sheep eat the plants, we use the sheep's wool to make the sweater.

How do plants depend on environment for their survival?

Plants require minerals and water from the soil, sunlight for photosyntesis.

Plants depend upon the activites of animals for a continuing supply of which substance?

Plants depend upon the activities of animals. This is because they need a continuous supply of carbon dioxide, which they get from animals.

Plants depend upon the activities of animals for a continuing supply of which substance?

Plants depend upon the activities of animals for a continuing supply of which substance carbon dioxide. Plants will combine water and carbon dioxide to process food.

Describe how animals and plants are codependent?

Animals and plants are codependent upon on another for several reasons. Namely, animals depend on plants for nourishment while plants depend on animals for fertilizer.

How might animals depend upon plants?

Food and shelter from attack.

How is soil is useful for us?

Soil is a major ecological factor and plants depend on soil for nutrients, water supply and anchorage also influence seed germination,form and vigour.It also support the plant to remain erect, besides this the woodiness of the stem, depth of the root system, number of flower and fruits on a plant, sustain to drought and frost condition of plants are completely depends upon the soil..

Do plants grow better in?

The type of soil that plants grow better in will depend on the type of plant. Universally, all plants will require a type of soil that drains well, is rich in nutrients and has a proper pH.