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Q: Why do some animals have to leave their habitat?
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most of the plants and animals are burned. some animals have to leave their natrual habitat.

What are conditions that cause animals to leave their habitat?

it will be when there is not more food.

Do humans and animals have the same habitat?

Well some animals and humans may have the same habitat. It depends on the type of animal.

Do all animals have habitat?

yes but some animals migrate to warmer places

What animals share a squirrels Habitat?

A chipmunk and some more woodland animals.

Are animals happy in the rainforest?

if animals grew up in the rain forest and take them out of there natural habitat then they are not happy if u leave them they feel happy and feel like they are home and feel like they are safe in that habitat.

How do animals live in desert?

Some animals adapt to a certain environment and it becomes their habitat

What animal has no habitat?

mostly animals that has no habitat are animals that no longer have a habitat if ure not satisfied with this answer then u belong to animals thas no habitat hehe...;)

The place where a community of plants and animals lives the place where some organism is usualy found?


Why is threatened habitat so important to society?

if people threaten for example "animals habitat", the animals would have nowhere to rest or even eat,some habitats are animals habitat and food so it is very important to not threaten a animals habitat etc. they would starve, it would be so boring without animals around wouldn't it be so?

How will habitat clearance effect some animals?

Yes, habitat clearance will affect some animals. Squirrels and birds live in trees and when the trees are cut down, the animals have no shelter. In other cases, some animals eat things from trees or bushes like fruits and berries.

What is the main extinction?

Hunting and habitat loss. For some animals sickness.