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so they will be strong

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Q: Why do some animals migrate or hibernate?
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Do english bulldogs migrate or hibernate?

English bulldogs neither migrate nor hibernate. They are domesticated animals.

Do mountain goats hibernate or migrate?

Neither. Not all animals hibernate or migrate. Fish and birds migrate and only a few mammals hibernate in regions with summer and winter.

Does a grey whale hibernate?

No, they do not hibernate. They migrate up to 16,000 miles per year.

Does seahorse migrate or hibernate?

No, seahorses are found in regions where the conditions don't generally require animals to have a quiescent period.

What causes animals to hibernate or migrate?


Do barracuda's migrate?

No they do not migrate, but they do grow && some say that they hibernate .

Why do animals hibrate or migrate?

IDK. L0L =p - most animals hibernate or migrate because of lack of food source or the extreme weather

Does a jack rabbit hibernate or migrate?

They do not migrate or hibernate.

Do lions migrate or hibernate?

Lions live in the tropics and subtropics, where no animals are known to hibernate. They also have fixed territories, so they don't migrate. However, they do hunt migrating ungulates such as wildebeest and zebra.

Do pandas migrate or hibernate?

Unfortuantly pandas do not hibernate. Im not sure about migrate but my answer is none. They dont hibernate or migrate. Answered by Pepsi906

Do bald eagles migrate or hibernate?

they do not hibernate because they are birds and birds do not hibernate but the bald eagle does migrate

Does grey whale migrate or hibernate?

Whale migrate they do not and cannot hibernate.