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Q: Why do some country's only have dirty water?
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Clean water is added to a tank full of dirty water. After some time the tank is full of clean water. Dirty water disappears. What is the principle and how does it work?

The principle is 'dilution': with the first addition of clean water to dirty water, the dirty water becomes less dirty because it is diluted by the clean water. With the continued addition of clean water to dirty water, eventually the dirty water will be completely diluted and there will be no dirty water left; it will all be replaced by clean water.

Do you have dirty mind?

some peaple have dirty minds only if there crazy

How does dirty water kill you?

By drinking dirty water the human body can develop serious illness like :typhoid feverdenguecholeradiphtheriaBy drinking dirty water, your body is taking many germs, bacterias and parasites which is not good for your health.

What are some of the harmful effects that dirty water can have on people?

There are a lot of secondary effects that bad water can have on a community, but the primary harm in dirty water is the threat of disease causing pathogens or parasites.

What does water pollution look like?

The water looks dirty and it has some sort of smell eminating from it

How can diseases caused by dirty water be cured?

There is medicine to cure some diseases from unclean water.

What percent of Earth's water is dirty?

What do you mean "dirty"? A vanishingly small trace of all water on Earth is chemically pure; even water that's naturally clean enough to drink (some springs, rainfall) has trace amounts of contaminants in it. By that standard, 100% of Earth's water is "dirty".

What is some personal information about vikings?

They like to raid cities and countrys.

What happens if you pour a glass of water into dirt?

You would get either really dirty water or mud.

Why is clean water good for us?

clean water is good for us because if we drink dirty water it will get mixed up with our food and you will have a tummy ache. some people die because of dirty water and its something our body doesn't get along with so well . and also dirty water has dirt and lots of nasty things in but clean water is pure and it helps you live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What types of bacteria grow in dirty water?


Why might only some countries have dirty water?

I would think if you look back in time you'll find that countries that have preponderance of dirty waters are those that never had regulations in place to prevent people from destroying the quality of water. Nature doesn't really harm the water; it's mankind with agricultural activity and manufacturing activity disposing their chemicals.