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Natural selection "selects" organisms that are best suited for each environment. Those that are not fit for the environment are selected against until they migrate or become extinct all together.

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Q: Why do some environments have more types of organisms than others?
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Is bacteria a decomposer in coral reefs?

yes. some of these are classified as anaerobic and hydrophillic bacteria meaning they prefer less oxygen and more water in order to live. Answer And I might add that there are very few places on this earth where bacteria can't exist. Some exist in the coldest places and some types of bacteria can exists in the hottest places. Some exist in the presence of oxygen while others exist in the absence of oxygen. Some can exist in high salt environments while others can exist in no salt environments. Some can exist in high pH environments while other are perfectly comfortable in low pH environments. It would be very difficult to find a place on this planet where bacteria cannot live.

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because animals are smarter than what you are and because they use aliminium foil