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Ionic compounds are comprised of cations and anions. Cations are species with positive charges, and anions have negative charges. There are lots of simple ions (Ca2+ and Cl- are good examples). But it is possible for there to be "Polyatomic Ions", i.e. molecules that are arranged in such a way that they have more or less electrons than there are protons in the molecule, and therefore have an overall charge. So in a compound like NH4Cl, the cation is NH4 + and the anion is Cl-

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Q: Why do some formulas of ionic compounds have more than two elements?
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Is the composition of an ionic compound formed by two or more nonmetallic elements?

Ionic compounds do not form between nonmetallic elements. Nonmetallic elements form covalent bonds, and form molecular compounds. Ionic compounds are generally formed by metals and nonmetals.

Is All ionic compounds include at least two elements true?

Yes. All chemical compounds, ionic and covalent, contain 2 or more elements.

Elements on opposite sides of the periodic table?

Elements on opposite sides of the periodic table, for example Groups 1 and 17, form ionic compounds. Examples include LiCl, NaCl, KI, and RbBr. The elements in Group 1 are the alkali metals, and the elements in Group 17 are the halogens, which are nonmetals.

Do chemical compound contain only one element?

No, compounds contain two or more elements. These elements are bond by ionic or covalent bonds. Compounds have a single chemical composition.

Which pair of elements is more likely to form ionic compounds?

Group 1 or group 2 elements with group 16 or group 17 elements. In general, if the electronegativity difference between the two atoms is more than 1.7 in Pauling's scale, then the two atoms form ionic bond.

Is salt a pure compound which contains ionic bonds?

The usual table salt, sodium chloride, is definitely ionic, since it has one of the more electropositive elements with one of the more electronegative elements. In chemistry, salt refers to many compounds, but they have some similar traits.

What elements are most likely to form an ionic compound?

Members of groups 1, 2, 6, 7 in the Periodic Table are most likely to form ionic compounds. It depends on what pair of elements are involved, for instance one rule of thumb is metal with nonmetal. Another, more systematic way, to assess this is to consider the difference in electronegativity between the two elements. If the electronegativity difference is 2 or more then the bond will be ionic. If the difference is less than 2 but more than 1.6 and one of the elements is a metal then there can be an ionic bond.

Is it true A compound is made up of one or more elements chemically bound together?

Yes, it is true. The elements are bond with ionic or covalent bonds. NaCl,Glucose are some compounds.

What is created when two or more kinds of elements are chemically bonded?

That's a compound. The bonds can either be covalent, ionic... there are a range.

How do compounds and elements simallar?

compounds are two or more elements put together

Is aluminum selenide ionic or covalent?

This compound is not ionic compound because the absolute difference in electronegativity between its both elements is less than 1.8. in ionic compounds the electronegativity difference should be more than 1.8 on pauling scale.

How are elements compounds and mixtures classified?

Elements and compounds are pure substances. Elements are composed of only one kind of atom and compounds are composed of two or more elements that are chemically combined. Mixtures are not pure substances, as they are composed of two or more components that are not chemically combined.