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Most men will stay that way. they act grown up around the ladies...and then with the boys they go back to being a child with no cares This is a pretty unrealistic generalization of the male condition, obviously the product of an emotional response to an event in your life. I disagree. The majority of men are childish and this characteristic is prominent mainly around other men. The truth of the matter is both men and women are more relaxed when they are with their own sex and they can act what you are calling "childish" but it's just pure fun. Life is far too serious these days so if one wants to be a little silly or "childish" what the heck! Women go to male strip clubs and I've been to one with a group of friends and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw many women acting like total idiots. Don't always blame the guys on this one! I love the post above mine. I wouldn't say men get too childish around each other, but reach back into their youth and just have fun. Women do the same thing. My girlfriends and I have a blast and act whacky at times just for the sake of it. It's healthy fun and hurts no one. Life is too serious most of the time and we all need to kick back and be kids again. Answer Men love to fight. but to me this is only natural. It's a sportsman thing.

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First, both males and females go through a time between 'childhood' and 'teenage' years during which each sex thinks the other sex is stupid, gross, nasty, silly, etc., and basically immature or otherwise not worth the time of day. This is a natural phase that changes childhood friendships into the potential to have teenage dating relationships with someone else. As an example:

Sally and John, both 6 years old, hang out together, ride or race on their bikes, climb trees, skip stones, fish, etc. Some people say Sally is a bit of a tomboy; she just enjoys these activities. But, during Sally's pre-teen years, something changes---all the things she used to like about John are now irritating, annoying, or even repulsive. John's attitudes are changing too! He starts to feel Sally is whiny, too emotional, and "too much a girl". While Sally starts to hang out with more girlfriends, John starts hanging out with guy friends. And-- both start to feel awkwardly attracted to other people in a different way than just being friends. Eventually, both start to date--- but they don't date each other (usually). By now, their childhood friendship is just a memory.

Both girls and guys go through awkward phases, and it's worse when they would like to get closer to someone but aren't sure how to even talk to the other person. During this time, girls still hang out mostly with girlfriends and guys hang out with guy friends. Group Identity is very important. And group identity is a powerful force. It's hard to begin to break away from the group and start to date -- or to date one person.

During this time, guys can seem like they always think about himself and not the girl. Guys can seem like they are either trying to show off to get your attention or like they want you to respond. But-- then again, some guys don't know what to do when they do get a response. The guy might then come back with put-downs or teasing a girl-- or even being outright rude. This indecisiveness is even worse when their "group" is nearby and the group starts to tease the guy for showing interest in (eww) a girl !

Girls do the same things as they start to break away from their Group. It's approach--- avoid! Guys seem interesting in new ways, but everyone is self-conscious and uneasy. So some girls might "zing!" the guy with nasty comments. Bullying is much easier than figuring out how to say "Hey, I like you!" or "I want to get to know you!"

Some guys and girls fall into bad practices in trying to get one person to pay attention to them. For example, guys might act like the class clown, trying to use humor to impress a girl. But, unless they are great comics, girls just react with "Ugh!" Girls are also trying on new behaviors around guys-- a girl may "change" throughout the day, from being haughty and unapproachable... to acting flirty and enticing. Both guys and girls start to pay attention to how they look -- especially how they look to the 'opposite sex'. Girls and guys start to mimic behaviors they've seen singers or celebrities use, often with embarrassing failures because the teens aren't self-confident yet or know how to be just themselves.

Luckily, eventually both guys and girls figure out that the idea of dating is not so bad. It's no longer something to snicker about. One person eventually just takes the chance---and finally asks the other person to go out! It's a hand-sweaty, heart-racing, terrifyingly-exciting moment: "Will __ say yes? Or, will I be rejected?"

Unfortunately, some potential relationships were permanently harmed during the teasing and berating of the approach-avoid phase, or during the bad practices phase. For example, many girls might think if they act sexy early that this will attract the guy they like. But often, that backfires-- the guy they really like doesn't really want to hang out with a girl who has "slept around". A guy may have come on far too strong, or far too immaturely, and push away the girl he really liked. These kinds of failures are common and natural. First crushes are hard to get over, but all of us eventually do get over the person we treated so badly--and lost.

Eventually, teenagers do begin to date. They begin to stop the games or immature ways they had used, and begin to be more real with others. The more real and vulnerable you become, the better chance you have of attracting someone who will respect you and not play games with you.

.... But, as moms have said for many generations, you might meet a lot of toads before you meet the ONE person you really want to kiss and so, find "the one" person you really like and will grow to love.

Men and women have many similarities and differences. But in the world of scientific research, no significant difference in intelligence has ever been found between the sexes. Our basic needs are the same, but we may use different methods to achieve our goals in life.
Some are but usually it is just guys being awkward and unable to deal with the opposite gender. Not knowing how to handle their strange feelings around girls can make guys do and say silly things.
cuz they like you. and they are afraid they will say stupid things..but they always do.
because they think it will impress the girl to get them to like you. DO NOT FALL FOR IT unless it is the one you have a crush on

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Women are naturally more nervous and self conscious than men - this can lead to the impression that they are immature. This however is not true. Women are no more immature than men - certainly, there are some immature women, yet there are also lots of immature men. So the answer is yes, they can be, but no more so than men can be also.

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Girls mature about five times faster than guys do. So while a girl and a guy are 15... the guy may act like a 10 year old half the time. Girls don't want immature boyfriends. That's why they go for the older guys. Really True^ But some girls Dont Want Real old guys they just want a good age mature guy.

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