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Q: Why do some lighting strikes hit other clouds instead of the ground?
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Why do lighting strikes occur within a cloud rather than between clouds?

it does not have enough energy to reach the ground

Lighting strikes in which direction?

Lightning typically comes from the elctrical static in clouds. However it can also come up from the ground and intermingle with a bolt of lightning coming down from the clouds. But mostly from the clouds above.Sandman

Does lightining strike from the ground up?

lightining strikes from clouds not the ground

What happens when lighting strikes while your in the air..Example if you were to jump before the lighting struck your body. Would you get less of a shock since you are not grounded?

If the lightning strikes you and the ground, your body would indeed be grounded. The arc of electricity from you to the ground is just as deadly, and your body would be a conductor.

Does lighting form with positive or negative charges?

The lighting is always a negative charge, but it can flow both from the clouds and down, as well as from the ground and up.

Why do some lightning strikes hit other clouds?

because they are too dumb to hit directly the ground

A diagram to illustrate what happens to the electrons in the clouds and on the ground during a lighting strom?

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What is a lighting bolt?

A lighting bolt is a strike of light through the sky and if your looking this up WOW!:PIt is a lightening discharge between/within clouds and the ground

Can lighting come from the ground?

Yes, lightning can come from the ground because the electrons want to go to the holes in the sky. Most people think that lightning comes from the clouds, but it doesn't. There is no electricity in clouds, only moisture.

Does lightning travel from the sky to the ground or the ground to the sky?

What causes lighting??????? What causes lighting???????

Which is stronger lighting or thunder?

Thunder is the sound that lightning makes when it strikes so it isn't possible to answer this question. Lightning is a reaction to rising heat from the earth's surface combining with cold air in the clouds. This creates a negatively charged bolt of electricity which streaks through the clouds, and around 20% of this electricity will "attack" a positively charged item, usually on the ground. Since lightning is faster than the speed of sound, it breaks the sound barrier making a sound we call thunder.

Does lighting hit something everytime it strikes?

Lightning does not hit something every time it strikes. There are various forms of lightning. Lightning that is classified as "cloud to ground" lightning will strike something in it's path. Another form of lightning is sheet lightning. This type of lighting illuminates the sky and spreads from cloud to cloud.