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Many people like to relate the hatred extreme Muslims have for Americans to the support of Israel and to the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. People who believe these are the reasons extreme Muslims hate America are, to put it politely, not well versed in the history. They hate America because we are a Christian nation, we believe in education, we believe women as being equal to men, we do not support shria law, and above all else we are not a Muslim nation. History proves these are the reasons extreme Muslims hate, the most recent example being Lebanon which was a Christian nation in the midst of an Arab world. Lebanon was a place where Muslims and Christians alike prospered until the Immigration of more extreme Muslims drowned out the voice of moderate Muslims by execution and intimidation.

The Koran describes anybody not of Islam to be "Infidels". The Koran acknowledges the enmity and hatred of Christians, and instead of teaching acceptance, the Koran accepts the hatred and explains this will be the way of life until the resurrection.

Anybody who finds themselves asking this question, please don't simply take the answer here as fact, do research. I urge you to research what has happened in the past and dig further that what the mainstream media publishes. Once you have done that I am positive you will find yourself at a simple yet seemingly complicated resolution, they hate America becasue America is a Christian nation.

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12y ago
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7y ago

Answer 1

It is not muslims that hate Americans. It is the extremists who hate America. As for the people that do hate Americans it is usually not Americans citizens but the American government. And no I am not muslim.

Answer 2

It is not Muslims that hate Americans. It is the extremists who hate America. As for the people that do hate America, it is not the American people but the American government & foreign policy.

Answer 3

where did you hear that? okay,first,Muslims are humans! just like jews and christians..neither all christians and jews are good nor all of them are bad! the same thing with muslims..not all of them are good also not all of them are bad cause no body's perfect! so,muslims are just like you! maybe your media just try to portrait muslim as a horrible creature! but we're normal people! our religion is not about hate,we don't hate christians and we dont hate jews too as well! we're not any of this horrible stuff you might hear about us! so we do NOT hate americans! i mean why would we?! we dont hate anyone unless he/she hurt us..just like you :)

Answer 4

Not all Muslims hate America. Some Muslims might hate America because the war in the Middle East or the racism given by some Americans.

Answer 5

Tell me would you like it if a group of your people came to the U.S. on 911 and ruined it then all of your people got blamed for what a group of that religion did. Would you like if it was harder for you to get a citizenship because of where you come from and you're completely innocent? That 1,000's of your people were killed because a group of people came to a country and ruined it.

Not all of Muslims hate America but now do you see why some of them do.

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10y ago

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Not all Americans hate Muslims.

Those who do hate them because they believe that all Muslims were included in the bombing of 9/11, even though some Muslims died in the bombing. Actually, it was the extremist group Al-Qaeda that bombed the Twin Towers. Before this incident, Osama bin Ladin made an international call for all Muslims to give death to America. This has caused many riots against Al-Qaeda. And because of that call and the bombing, many Americans consider all Muslims as terrorists. We got it all wrong.

For you anti-Islamic guys out there, remember what happened to the Jews!

Answer 2

Most Non-Muslims (contrary to Muslim assertions) do not actually hate Muslims. While there are certainly a minority of individuals who say that Muslims themselves are a cancer on society, this is a very limited opinion. Muslims of all backgrounds, like Arabs, Indians, Southeast Asians, etc. are typically warm, hospitable, and loving people. They work diligently at their jobs, aspire for their children to have better lives, and are every bit as caring and nurturing as any other citizen. The TV show "Muslims in America" was cancelled after one season because the participants in the show were "too normal". The only difference between them and non-Muslims were that some of the women wore hijabs and everyone prayed on Fridays instead of Sundays. Their ideologies and views were quintessentially American. Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan famously joined the celebrations when Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan, because they opposed the terror and fear that he represented.

If there may be one thing worth noting here, it is that Non-Muslims hope that Muslims can take a critical look at their past in a way that, up to this point, few of them have dared to do. This is because the primary issue that Americans have with the Islamic World is the politics there which serves to repress non-Muslim minorities, barbaric crimes and punishments, and prevents freedoms of expression.

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7y ago

Contrary to President George W. Bush's announcement "They hate us for our freedom", this is certainly NOT the reason for Anti-American sentiment.

Any person who has been to any Muslim-majority country can tell you exactly why Americans are disliked in the there. The US foreign policy is very problematic in a lot of places. These acts cause resentment. There are some places in the world that would stop hating the USA if the policy were reversed and there are others for whom the damage is already done and the USA would be unable to recover. Most Muslim-majority countries fall in the latter category. Major grievances against the USA include:

Support for Certain Countries: There are two parts to this. Firstly, the United States helps to prop of states that other countries vehemently oppose. Some such countries include: Israel, Taiwan, South Korea, East Timor, Turkey, Georgia, etc. Arab hatred of Israel, Chinese hatred of Taiwan, North Korean hatred of South Korea, Armenian hatred of Turkey, and Russian hatred of Georgia, lead to the citizens of those countries disliking American policy. Of course, this is not to say that the American action is illegitimate or incorrect, but the USA has chosen a side and naturally the opposition will feel anger.

Secondly, the United States has supported numerous brutal dictators in various countries, especially in Latin America, like Pinochet (Chile), Noriega (Panama), Batista (Cuba), the Samozas (Nicaragua). About Samoza, FDR famously said, "Somoza may be a son of a b****, but he's our son of a b****." However, the citizens of those countries were less than pleased that mass-murderers were in power over them with the guarantee of US protection, effectively preventing the viability of any resistance. In the Middle East, the United States supported Hosni Mubarak and Mohammed Morsi, two individuals who have consistently attacked and demonized the citizens of Egypt. The USA also supported the Christian Falangists in Lebanon, the Turkish government in Ankara, gives aid to Saudi Arabia, and provides military protection for Kuwait.

CIA Activities and Coups d'État: The United States did not just protect governments that were sadistic to their own citizens. In several instances, they helped install them as well. In the case of Pinochet in Chile (in 1974) and the Shah of Iran (in 1953), the CIA actively caused revolts in the country, toppling legitimate governments to put violent dictators in power (Allende in Chile and Mossadegh in Iran). The idea that the USA can replace leaders around the world with impunity is very angering to many individuals.

Cold War Activities: During the Cold War, the United States engaged in numerous proxy wars with the Soviets with many third-world countries as the battlegrounds. Angola was in civil war from 1975-1992 because of the US-Soviet proxy war. The Arab-Israeli Conflict was similarly based as was the Korean War, the Velvet Revolution in Hungary, the Cuban Revolution and the Cuban Missile Crisis, and of course the Vietnam War and the Afghanistan War of 1979-1989. These proxy wars resulted in millions of dead civilians around the world.

Military Bases All Over the World: The United States maintains military bases in over 100 different countries. If this is not a projection of military might, there is nothing that would be.

Unilateralism: The United States consistently avoids working within the bounds of the international community. The USA typically only negotiates with other countries when it suits them. They are more than willing to "go it alone" when everyone disagrees with them. The clearest example of this was the Invasion of Iraq. When US Secretary of State Colin Powell presented the cause to go to war to the United Nations, the other nations refused to go along with the United States. Therefore, instead of backing down and clarifying their research, the Americans invaded Iraq. Callously disregarding someone else's view will certainly anger them.

Aloofness: Many American citizens know almost nothing about other countries and have no desire to learn. They believe that their culture and way of life are so clearly superior to everyone else's that everyone should just aspire to be American. This sentiment is not well-received abroad

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