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Some overweight people may have a medical condition which results in weight gain, and can make it very difficult for them to lose weight. Others simply don't have the willpower and/or desire to stick to a weight loss plan.

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Q: Why do some overweight people not lose weight?
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If your wife is overweight how do you get her to lose weight?

This is a common problem. I've been told that marriage can make some people fat, but you can't FORCE her to lose weight. You need to talk to her, and if you're overweight yourself, the two of you could lose weight together!

I'm overweight and want to lose it. What are some weight loss diet plans I can use?

Many overweight people are looking for a quick and reliable way to lose weight. The truth is that there is no way to quickly and effectively lose weight and it takes a lot of work and careful meal planning to keep the weight from coming back.

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No body is certain of how many. But some of them are trying to lose weight. Some are not. I guess a lot. But i am not sure.

If you lose weight slowly will your skin still sag?

When people are overweight and lose alot of it, in some cases their skin still sags and you can have surgery to get rid of the sagging skin.

How can one lose their weight fast?

While losing weight fast is something a lot of overweight people want, sometimes it is not possible. It will help to eliminate sugary and refined carbohydrates which can make you hungry. Stick to protein, water and some green veggies and losing weight should be easy. Lose weight at a steady pace. Rushing to lose weight is a risk factor in having a lot of saggy skin. If you are tempted by a donut, remember that knowing you beat temptation is a better feeling than the taste of a donut. The more you resist, the easier it gets. Have confidence in yourself no matter how long it takes. Some people lose weight faster than others. The more overweight you are, the faster you will lose.

Do people with anorexia get overweight?

No. Most anorexics, in fact, are either normal weight or underweight.

I am 15 and overweight. I need to lose weight and get toned. Help please?

Just eat less fat boy! Portion control and have some Self control and you will lose weight. The problem is we all like to indulge and super-size everything.

Can you lose 50 lbs in 6 weeks?

Some patients who are more than 100 pounds overweight lose weight very quickly. This is especially true in the first year after bariatric surgery.

Are pets overweight and why are they overweight how can we stop them from being over weight?

Some pets are overweight and some are not so stop feeding them junk food.

How much weight can you lose on a rice diet?

* Some people say you can lose up to 3 pounds each day.* If you have even the slightest degree of insulin resistance (and many overweight people have without being aware of it) you will gain weight (not lose weight) on a rice diet. * Rice is high in carbohydrate. If I went on a rice diet (and I am a natural vegetarian) I would gain weight.

Why do some overweight people like burgers?

For the same reason some normal weight people like burgers, a craving for carbohydrates and fatty foods.

What diets can help me lose weight but also show results quick?

Some fast and easy weight loss plans are the 17 day diet, strictly smoothies diet, and a strict exercise and meals plan. If you are very overweight you should lose weight fast by simple changes.