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Because people want to think they will never die but live on in paradise. Every culture has believed in some sort of after life.

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Q: Why do some people believe in afterlife?
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Do all people need religion or some form of an afterlife or is it just our ego?

This is a very uneasy topic. There are people who have had contact to the afterlife or a form of after life. There are people who wish that there could be an afterlife, but don't believe in it. There are people who believe in a religion, and people who only believe in religion so they have something to emotionally attach themselves to.

Why is it that some people do not believe in an afterlife?

Why don't you believe in unicorns? Because it's stupid, illogical, and has no proof.

Name something people believe happen to then after they die?

They go to an afterlife they believe different ones depending on beliefs. Some people also believe nothing happens after death and some believe in rebirth.

Did Paleolithic people believe in heaven?

Maybe not Heaven exactly, but probably some form of afterlife.

Why do people believe in an afterlife when there's proof we've evolved?

Evolution does not preclude the possibility of an afterlife, so you may choose to believe that we have souls that continue in some kind of afterlife when we die. Many people do believe in an afterlife because it provides comfort to think that loved ones have not merely deceased. However, there is not a scintilla of evidence that there really is an afterlife.

Do Hindu believe in a afterlife?

Some do, some don't, some are uncertain.

Do hidus believe in the afterlife?

yes they do believe in afterlife

Is there a judgment day reincarnation or nothing?

Some people believe in an afterlife, some don't. Eventually, we find out. For now, you will need to make up your mind for yourself. I try very hard to behave as if there IS an afterlife.

Do English people believe in the afterlife?

It completely depends on their religion.

Did the pyramids have to do with anything about afterlife?

some Egyptian people were buried in pyramid's. that is some of what it has to do with afterlife.

What did Egytians believe about the afterlife?

What is the afterlife

Why did ancient Egyptians believe in the afterlife?

Virtually all civilizations, ancient and modern believe in some kind of afterlife. Humans have a natural aversion at the thought of their own demise.