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it is a preferance and differs from person to person. Fetishes. Some peopel like their toes sucked, some like their earlobes sucked, some like to be tioed and blindfolded. What I suggest is be open to your partenr and do what they like. Tell them you will try it and will tell them if you are uncomfortable with it.

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14y ago
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13y ago

the like the feeling of being punished it turns them on, they like there butt to be sore, they love to go over there father or husbands or boyfriends knee, they like to be overpowered

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Q: Why do some people like being spanked?
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Yes, some people like being gagged, as it is sexually pleasing to them, as it is a fetish to them.

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Some people do ask. As odd as it seems, if someone does ask you, respect their wishes and spank them. If they want to be spanked a certin way spank them that way.

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Some women and some men like to be spanked. Some will smack the nonsense right out of you if you try. Ask them.

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It depends on who you like to touch your butt. A lot of gay and straight men find anal stimulation arousing. Some guys even like to get spanked. It's a common "erogenous zone" -- a place that turns you on when it gets stimulated.

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You say it like "gays" are some other species. They are just as equal as we are. Being gay is just as simple as having different opinions on Politics. Therefore, some people will like cheese. Some won't. Being gay has nothing to do with it.

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cuz their flaming homos

Should you still be spanked you are a 15 year old female who still gets spanked by mom?

Maybe if your mother is some type of pervert. Plain Discipline would be fine.