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Some people feel that we can calculate the generations of humans back to Adam & Eve by examining the "begats", and that is around 6,000 years ago or so plus the "7 days" of creation. And they need to believe the literal word of The Bible, so instead of deciding that the idea of a week to create the world is more of an important story, they take it literally and instead of thinking that maybe a "Biblical" day could have been 100,000,000 years or more, they really seem to think it is a 24 hour day. Being so literal yet being confronted with the fact that there are dinosaur bones and evidence of life like that, they have to make the dinosaurs fit into their literal view. So since everything had to be created within the last 6,000 years or so (according to their literal view) and we have evidence of dinosaurs, they have decided that instead of dinosaurs preceding humans on earth, the dinosaurs must have lived during the earlier times when the first humans (Adam, Eve, Noah....) were around. I was watching a tv show recently about how the Appalachian Mountains are being destroyed, literally leveled to get at the coal instead of mining down to it, and how it's damaging the lives and land of people who live nearby. During the show, one of the workers said that as far as he could tell, God put the coal there 5,000 years ago and meant for us to find it. That's a lot of faith or a lot of assumptions. I'm not here to judge, just point out what seems to be the reasoning.

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Q: Why do some people think Noah had dinosaurs on the Ark when scientists have proven they had all died out millions of years before humans were first around?
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Was dinosaurs before man?

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Your question is logically impossible. You must mean, "What prehistoric reptile is not considered by scientists to actually be a dinosaur?" The answer is that there were many mammal-like reptiles that predated the dinosaurs and were not dinosaurs. One example being Dimetrodon, which went extinct millions of years before the first dinosaurs evolved. Dinosaurs were not reptiles, but shared characteristics with both reptiles and birds. They were actually more like birds.

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Did people hunt dinosaurs?

Not dinosaurs as we traditionally think of them. "Classic" dinosaurs went extinict long before any people were around. However, scientists now know that one group of dinosaurs lives to this day: birds. Birds of various types have long been hunted by humans.

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No, because all dinosaurs except birds went extinct millions of years before humans existed.

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Yes. Most scientist's actually believe that the tortoises were around before the dinosaurs.

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You cannot buy living dinosaurs. Dinosaurs died out, as in, went extinct millions of years ago...before man kind.

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