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Q: Why do some people think nuclear power is good?
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Is nuclear power a good alternative energy?

I think so, many others disagree!

What does nuclear power do to the earth?

Nuclear power can be bad and good for the earth it depends on what happens

Is Nuclear power the best for the environment?

Of course not... it causes fallout, and disturbance... i would think solar power or hybrid is good enough for the environment.

Do any companies think nuclear power is a good thing?

Well I'm sure the power companies that have put in applications for licences to build new ones think so.

Why are less nuclear power plants being built?

For this, you can blame public media,nuclear power can be good or bad but, if the people get scared they will not want to live near or go anywhere near them. Take the recent nuclear news for example

Advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power plant?

Nuclear power is neither good nor bad. The way nuclear power is produced (Safety) can be good or bad, though. Nuclear power can be generated by small power plants, creates no air pollution, and is safe when done right.

Should the UK have nuclear weapons?

No one should have nuclear weapons! I agree they cause nothing but problems. All they do is grant people power to kill and strike fear in the world. There is nothing good that can come from nuclear weapons.

Is nuclear power plant establishment necessary in a state or city explain?

Not a good idea, to have too many people living closeby

What is good about nuclear fields?

Because you can blow people with the nuclear powers

Should you still use nuclear power?

Nuclear power is very good source of energy to turn to. The only problem is the storage of nuclear waste, that is left over after the nuclear reaction the power plant. The energy obtained from the nuclear power plant is very clean burning and more KJ/mole energy.

Is nuclear power stations in remote areas of Japan good or bad?

All nuclear esplode is ood

Comment on statement automation in construction replacement of man power with machine power?

People have there thoughts about replacing man power to machine power. Some people think it would make life easier and some think it would not be as good.