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To be honest, they are not really changing their gender. That is a bad paradigm. A man cannot "become" a woman, nor a woman "become" a man. Your gender identity is rather fixed since some time before birth. The goal of transition and surgery is to make the outside match who you have always been.

Gender identity is caused by the way the neurons are configured in the brain, and changing that would require brain surgery, and we don't have brain surgery for that. Intense therapy can never change how the brain is configured, nor can it change your "soul."

Lets keep in mind that gender identity is independent from the body, from the social role, and from one's sexual orientation. The reason for gender transition is to make the body and chosen gender role to match who the person (gender identity) has always been.

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Q: Why do some people want a gender change?
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Why do people like to change their gender?

Because they want.

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You can't make gender change potions it's impossible to do so if you want to change your.Gender then get a sex change

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Can you change your gender without an operation?

Not physically. If you want to be a gender and live as a gender that you weren't born with you can dress, live, be the gender you choose, but if you wish to be totally one gender you would need to go through a physical change. Many people through out the centuries have lived as one gender but was born another. A few years ago there was a famous jazz pianist who lived as a male, but on his death it was discovered that he was female.

You are a guy but you want a sex change to become a girl?

This is transexualism. Some people are born the wrong gender. Medical science has long understood this. The best thing to do is to talk to your family doctor and have them help you determine whether of not you are truly transexual. Some people want to be the opposite gender because they feel that their lives would easier if they were a girl, or they have a sexual desire to being the opposite gender. Other people (a really small number) are actually transexual and truly were born the wrong gender. Such people will eventually be required to convince a psychiatrist that they are truly transgendered and then they'll need to convice a physician and also a surgeon that they are transgendered. To do all of these things the person will actually have to dress and live as a woman for a period of years. They'll have to basically BE a woman in all regards that they can until they convince a person that they can get a sex change operation. Only after they have a full sex change operation will they legally become a woman.

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Will someone go to hell if they change their gender?

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You can't. The only time to choose your gender is at the beginning when you are making you character. You can also start a new load if you want to.

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Why is it important to know gender composition when giving a speech?

1.people might want to have sex with you 2. dont share your gender

How do you you no your pregnant with a boy or a girl?

When you see its genitals! Or before conception if you want to choose the gender of your baby (some people prefer a boy over a girl) you should research gender selection methods... check out