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They oppose it because they consider homosexual activity to be sinful.

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Q: Why do some religions oppose same-sex marriage?
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How does denying same-sex marriage rights violate religious freedom?

Because same-sex marriage is a belief among homosexuals, therefore denying same-sex marriage is denying their beliefs.Alternate Viewpoint:Some organized religions support same-sex marriage and some oppose it. By banning same-sex marriage, the government is preventing some religions from marrying people it wants to marry, while siding with other religions that don't want members of other religions to marry.

Why do some people in Florida oppose same-sex marriage?

There are no causes of homophobia that are unique to Florida alone. The reasons why some people oppose same-sex marriage are the usual ones: animus towards gays and lesbians.

How does same-sex marriage offend some religions?

Some religions are offended by the fact that civil marriage is permitted between people that are not eligible to receive the sacrament of matrimony in their church.

What are the religious views of gay marriage?

That depends on the religion. Some religions ban gay marriage, and some accept it completely.

Why do some people in California oppose same-sex marriage?

Homophobia is the most obvious possibility.

Who is standing in the way of same-sex marriage?

Mainly some religions and conservative elements of society.

Does Stone Cold Steve Austin support or oppose same-sex marriage?

He supports it: "I have some damned good friends who are gay and I'm absolutely for same-sex marriage"

Why hasn't same-sex marriage been legalized in some jurisdictions?

Major obstacles to the legalization of same-sex marriage in some jurisdictions include:A majority or plurality of the electorate may oppose it;The executive may oppose it (i.e., governor, president, prime minister);A majority or plurality of the legislature may oppose it;The constitution may prohibit it; and,The judiciary may not hand down rulings favoring it.

How does same-sex marriage affect religion?

It doesn't. Many secular laws conflict with the religious beliefs of different denominations, yet religions continue to exist. When same-sex marriage is legalized, many religions just act as if it were not legal, the same way some religions act as if divorce were not legal.

Is same-sex marriage prohibited by most religions?

Same-sex marriage is prohibited by Islam, Orthodox Jews (and some Conservative Jews) and most Christian denominations.

What do Democrats say about same-sex marriage?

Although there are some Democrats who oppose same-sex marriage, most Democrats now support marriage equality.In 2012, the official Party Platform of the Democratic Party included the legalization of same-sex marriage.

How do some religions view hypnotherapy?

Jehovah's Witnesses and Christian Science religions oppose the use of hypnotherapy and advise their members to avoid it completely, whether for entertainment or therapy. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints approves it for medical purposes.