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Q: Why do some systems keep track of the type file while others leave it to the user or simply do not implement multiple file types?
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It will depend on the make and model of torpedo. Some have rather sophisticated sonar systems. Others are 'dumb' and simply go in the direction they are pointed.

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A business telephone system is any of a range of a multiline telephone systems typically used in business environments, encompassing systems ranging from small key systems to large scale private branch. A business telephone system differs from simply using a telephone with multiple lines in that the lines used are accessible from multiple telephones, or "stations" in the system, and that such a system often provides additional features related to call handling. Business telephone systems are often broadly classified into "key systems", "hybrid systems", and "private branch exchanges".

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It is simply a chart that shows more than one series, often to compare them or to see is there a connection. Some charts, like a pie chart, can only have one series, but others, like a line chart, can have multiple series.

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When in the Navy toilets flushed into the ocean?

Not any more. In the far past, you simply went over the side. Then toilets were put in and they flushed into the sea. Now they flush into holding tanks. Many ships have specialized systems that dry things out and burns the waste. Others have bacteria, like a septic tank, that process the waste. Others pump the tanks in port into the sewage systems.

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An advantage of using a virtual machine is you can run multiple operating systems under the umbrella of one operating system. Without a virtual machine you have to reboot every time you want to want to change operating systems but with a VM you can simply switch between them.

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This one ... the "only one" (out star is names Sol), We do call the others "solar systems" but that's technically an error.

How do you explain IT term simply to others?

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