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so your nose doesn't get irritated .......................

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Q: Why do some tissues have lotion in them?
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Related questions

Can white glue stick tissues?

I would think that white glue could stick tissues together except the ones with lotion on them.

What did President Lincoln do after the North lost the Second Battle of Bull Run?

got the lotion and tissues out for the night

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Do you add some sort of lotion to the Norelco 8060X moisturizing shaver?

Yes, it uses Nivea lotion.

Why does my nose turn red if i get cold?

most likely because you are dabbing, wiping, and blowing your nose a lot. I would suggest tissues with lotion, they help a lot.

How do you avoid getting oily skin throughtout a school day?

Oil Control Lotion 3 Beauty Blotters Oil-Absorbing Tissues Oil Mattifier

What retail stores can one purchase Avon body lotion?

Some of the retail stores that one can purchase Avon body lotion are Walmart and Target. These stores offer a variety of different kinds of body lotion such as moisturizing lotion or body therapy lotion for purchase from Avon.

What are some of the active ingredients of Proactive Repairing lotion?

There are many active ingredients of Proactive Repairing lotion. The biggest active ingredients in Proactive Repairing lotion are water and peroxides.

What are some of the benefits of Gold Bond lotion?

Gold Bond has produced this lotion for many years. Over thousands of people use this type of lotion each day. One great benefit that this lotion has is that it prevents dried skin.

How do you spell lotion?


What is a sentence with circumlocution in it?

put some lotion on my circumlocution

Is body lotion flammable?

No, lotion is not flammable but some are. I don't know which are but please don't try to check