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They use Citizens' Band Radio (CB) to communicate with other truckers on the road. The long antennas give them better reception and transmission.

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Q: Why do some trucks have big antennas?
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Do crayfish have antennas?

Crayfish have antennas but really big, once you land them you will realise they have really big antennas.

What are the 10 ft cb radio antennas called that hicks have on their trucks?

There called 102" whips!

Any current car models that have old fashioned car antennas?

No, most modern cars and trucks do not have old fashioned antennas. This is because they are now considered unnecessary, and very aesthetically unpleasing.

Where can one view videos of big trucks?

Videos of big trucks can be found online. Some websites that have such videos include, Y2U, YouTube, FasterTruck, BigTrucksForKids, TheTrailersBay, and MetaCafe.

Name some monster trucks?

The original "Big Foot".Grave Digger.

Where can I purchase gps antennas?

GPS antennas can be purchased where ever the GPS receivers are sold. Big box stores such as Walmart and Bestbuy typically stock a wide variety of antennas for the different brands they sell.

Who is bigweevil?

Big weevIl is a weevil that Is black with three yellow antennas

Do fairies wear antennas?

some do some dont

Mr. Roger asked big trucks to deliver 32 wheels and small trucks to deliver 16 wheels. how many trucks are there if he needed 86 wheels?

He can do it with 3 big trucks and cannot do with fewer than 3 trucks.

Are monster trucks scary?

No :) there just big cars and trucks :d

Where do I find big trucks for sale?

If you are looking for big trucks for sale you can go to a yard where they sell semi trucks it just depends on how big you are looking to go you can also go to just a normal dealership.

Where are antenas in cars?

An antenna is for radio reception. Some antennas are visible and usually mounted on the front right side fender. Some antennas back in the eighties were used for car telephones and CB radios and were not installed by the factory. Most remote starting features and some burglar alarms also utilize antennas. Some radio antennas were imbedded in the windshield