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Sperm cells need lots of ATP (created in mitochondria) for the reactions that cause the tail to propel to move it forward. Normal skin cells need only as much as required to keep the vital cell functions working.

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Q: Why do sperm cell have a high density of mitochondria while the human cheek cell have only a few mitocondria?
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Where is extrachromasomal DNA is found?

in chloroplast and mitocondria

Do cheek cells present a mitochondria?

Cheek cells a typical animal cells.They have mitochondria in them.

Is mitochondria more abundant in human epithelial cells or in onion epidermal cells?

Yes. In an animal, more mitochondria is needed to allow movement and conduction. In plants, on the other hand, not only is the cell occupied by the large central vacuole, but it is also filled with many plastids such as chloroplasts. Because of this not a lot of mitochondria can fit in.

What is the differences of a human cheek cell and a leaf cell?

Liver Cells contain more Mitochondria than Cheek Cells because the Liver Cells need more energy, Liver Cells aid in Digestion and extract nutrients, whereas the Cheek protects against Bacteria and keeps the oral cavity moist, also cheek cells die and divide more often than Liver cells.

Do human cells have an mitochondria?

Human cells are eukariyotic. So they have mitochondria

What are the human cells without mitochondria?

In human, mature RBC (Red Blood Corpuscles) do not have mitochondria.

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Where do all human get their mitochondria?

Mitochondria are inherited from mother. No from the father

Does a human cell have mitochondria?


How many germs are on a human cheek?


How many mitochondria does an average human muscle cotain?

An average human muscle contains around 750-1000 mitochondria per cell.

How do you known if human cheek cells are animal cell?

Because a human is an animal!