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they are magnetic

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Q: Why do stars give off electromagnet radiation?
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Microwaves do not 'give off' radiation as such. Microwaves are radiation.

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Because they give off absolutely no light and no radiation. The only radiation is X-Rays from the stars being sucked in.

What objects in space give out ultraviolet?

All stars give out some ultraviolet light (including our Sun, which is why we get sunburn). If the star is young and hot, it gives off quite a lot, and if old and dim, only a little. All stars give off a wide spectrum of radiation, much of it invisible to our eyes. To calculate a star's total radiation, we use what is called a bolometric measurement. The atoms in gases can also give off ultraviolet if their electrons are sufficiently excited by cosmic radiation.

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noi it isnt it does not give off light.

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Do suns have rays?

Yes; Stars give off energy in the form of light, during the reaction taking place with their hydrogen and other elements. This energy travels in the form of infra-red radiation, which travels in a wave (a ray), as radiation can travel in a vacuum, whereas the other methods of heat transfer cannot. So while Stars do not "have" rays, they do give them off.

What do stars give off?

The gravitational pressure and heat created by gravity causes nuclear fusion to occur in the core of the star. This energy flows through the star to its exterior, where it is radiated into space.

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The stars give off light