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Hi sweet peas grow to a support because they grow very tall up to 8ft and can become to heavy for themselves to support so the support helps the sweet pea stand high and tall without collapsing. Answer. In nature sweet peas would scramble around and climb up the nearest bush or cover the ground. Modern gardeners like to be tidy so they grow them up sticks. Exhibitors even go to the bother of growing one single stem and disbudding them to get perfect flowers.

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Are sweet peas and peas the same thing?

no one is sweet the other is just regular peas

What is a quick growing plant that has tendrils?

Plants that reach for support to grow. Like peas, beans, vines Besides, cucumber , pumpkin and gourd also have....

What do sweet peas symbolize?

Sweet peas are a symbol of delicate pleasures and blissful experiences. They are often associated with gratitude and appreciation for the simple joys in life. In the language of flowers, sweet peas can also represent departure or goodbyes.

Sweet peas scientific name?

Sweet peas scientific name is Lathyrus odoratus

Where do sweet peas flowers grow?

Sweet pea flowers grow along fence lines to give the plants something to climb on. They can be grown with pole beans. The annual plant does well in mild climate zones.

Can you eat peas from a sweet pea plant?

You can chew on them, but they are very high in fibre which turns into an inedible mess in your mouth ... you will no doubt be spitting that out. But they do have a nice, sweet pea flavour much like snow peas. Cooking the pods wouldn't help, and the peas inside the pods don't grow very large. Just enjoy the riot of color and scent from the blossoms and grow regular peas for eating (the less cooked the better IMHO).

What do sweet peas flowers leaves look like?

Sweet Pea flowers have green leaves that grow in pairs. The are rounded on the bottom and pointed at top. Their veins are not very prominent.

Why are sweet pea call sweet peas?

because they have a slightly sweet taste.

What does sweet pea mean as a term of endearment?

"sweat peas are sweet so when someone calls you that, they are calling you sweet!" Sweet peas are not sweet in fact they are poisonous, but they smell very sweet which is where they got their name. A lot of mothers call their child their sweet pea because they are small like peas, sweet and peas are held in a pod which is how the child looks wrapped up in a blanket like most parents do. If an adult is called a sweet pea it is in deed usually because they are very sweet.

Are sweet peas considered a starch?


How should sweet peas be stored?

chick peas should be stored in a bin

Do sweet peas really taste sweet?

yes They probably would taste sweet, but I wouldn't recommend eating them the point of sweet peas is that they look and smell good in the garden, eating them is surely not an option !