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Q: Why do tape worms live in humans and animals?
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What is the name of some parasites that live in the instines of animals?

tape worms round worms etc

Are segmented worms parasitic?

Most are. For example, a tape worm. Humans and animals are its host.

How does a tapeworm live outside of water?

Do tape worms live in lakes

How do you get rid of tape worms in humans?

To get rid of tape worms there is a special medicine to get ridm of them . Go to your closest chemist or maybe tell your doctor and they may suscribe them for you. do not be embarrased if you do have them.

What worms can live inside the human body?

Flatworms such as tape worms and flukes, and roundworms such as trichinosis-causing worms, filarial worms, ascarid worms and hook worms.

What Are the primary and secondary hosts of tape worms?

The primary host of a tape worm would be the pig, it is when humans eat uncooked pork that the eggs of the tape worm are passed on to the secondary host us (humans).

What are the round worms that live in a person's intestine called?

tape worm

What do tapeworm and host represent?

The tape worms hosts are human and animals. Mostly common in humans, cats, and dogs, and also mostly common in ifants and young children.

Can a snake live in the human body?

No. Various worms or parasites can live in the human body... tape worms, guinea worms, loa loa (eye worm), or scabies but not snakes.

Are tape worms black?

No there not black all tape worms are WHITE

Do polar bears have tape worms?

they could (all fleas carry tape worms)

What kind of worms are long and white and flat?

tapeworm. you should know that plus that is the only thin and white worms