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because that's the way it is

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Q: Why do tarantulas legs only come out of its thorax?
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How come tarantulas are spiders if they have 10 legs?

They only have 8. The ones by the mouth that might look like legs are pedipalps- food handling feelers.

Do insects have 3 body parts and 6 legs?

Yes. The body parts are called head, thorax and abdomen. The thorax is where the legs (and wings if it has them) are attached. Six legs = insect, eight legs = arachnid, ten legs = crustacean, many legs = centi/millipede. ^^

What is the middle body party of an insect?

It's called the thorax, and bears all three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings. Inside, it's pretty much only muscle, to power all that. Internal organs are in the abdomen, the hind part of the animal. ^^

What are the types of bug?

There are two types:arachnids and insects. Insects have three segments they are the head ,thorax and abdomen they also have 6 legs .Arachnids have only 2 segments they are head and abdomen.

Where is the abdomen located in an ant?

The abdomen on an ant is the large part of their body, only connected to the thorax, which is the middle of their body where the legs are connected to, along with the head.

Are arachnids insects?

No they are not. Insects have 3 body parts (head, thorax, abdomen) and only have 6 legs. arachnids have 2 body parts (head, abdomen) and have 8 legs. Both insects and arachnids are arthropods.

What parts does a ladybug have?

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What is a arachind?

An arachnid is an invertebrate with only two body parts (the head and abdomen) but no thorax. It has eight legs and moves by moving it's legs forward in ripples. All arachnids have exoskeletons and the group's most famous member is the spider.

How do tarantulas date?

Only humans date.

Do scorpions have a head thorax and abdomen?

As with other arachnids, scorpions have only two main body parts â?? the cephalothorax and the abdomen. The scorpion's four sets of legs are attached to the cephalothorax.

Can tarantulas kill people?

only if u scare them

How many legs does a shrimp have?

They have 5 pairs of "legs" (-> 10 legs) [paraeopodes], but only use 6 of them for walking. 2 pairs have little pincers. They also have 5 pairs (-> 10 legs) of swimminglegs [pleopodes]. This gives them 20 legs or 10 pairs out of which they use 6 or 3 pairs for walking.