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Beause being FINALLY at that age were you no longer rely on your parents and are finally becoming an adult (age 18-19). They'd like ot move out, have their own place, be the "adult" of their own space. As they say, "They baby bird must leave the nest at some time". Unless your 35 year old son or daugther still lives with you. That is even more conering.

well my point of view is that ages still not mature enough to be independent and live and decide to themselves i realize this is one of the reason that make american society goes down.... still this ages need someones direct them and correct their mistakes. In the other hand , when they leave they should look for a job to feed themselves and live a good live so it might force them to do illegal job if they didn't find a job or if they r not qualified .

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IKnowManyThings001 on... "teenage independence" I know that teenagers want independence for many reasons. They may feel too restricted by their family, especially parents and other adult family members. So, try to loosen your 'grip' on them a bit every so often. Trust that you have raised them well enough to stand on their own by letting them stay out with their friends/boyfriend/girlfriend a bit later. If they break that trust, let them know calmly that they will need to regain that trust between you. It is a bit like a butterfly's life. They hatch (from their mother's womb), they are a tiny weeny baby-toddler-child (equivillant of a caterpillar), then, at about 10-14 years old, they will go into their cocoon (of love, safety and protection from their family) and feel a bit trapped, so, you have to help them escape from that cocoon carefully and slowly by taking small steps to letting them stand on their own. GOOD LUCK

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15y ago

we get as much freedom as adults do. we have feelings, responsibility, and knowledge of our mistakes just like adults do. So if adults get freedoms... why can't we?

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Teenagers like to know that they have the freedom to do many thing and not get in trouble. It is important to them to have a license because they think it's cool to drive their very own car.

Should teenagers have the freedom to buy online?

Yes! Why shouldn't they? As long as the website is secure, I can't think of any other reason why not!

When do most teenagers take it to far?

When they are uninformed, unsupervised and unmotivated. but there just kids and deserve there own life and freedom to figure out stuff in the world