

Why do teens love fashion?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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We want to express ourselves through clothes, sometimes we want to look cool i guess, too. :D

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Q: Why do teens love fashion?
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What makes teens interested in fashion?

Teens are often interested in fashion as a way to express their individuality, creativity, and identity. Fashion allows them to keep up with trends, fit in with peers, and feel confident in their appearance. Social media, celebrities, and peer influence also play a significant role in shaping teenage fashion interests.

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because they want to look hardcore, tough and "cool" by trying to look like a menace to society.

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Teens are.

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no it heat

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Any Teen Magazine

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you need to love fashion and then go to a fashion place

Are there any fashion design classes for teens in the Seattle area?

Yes, there are fashion design classes for teens in the Seattle area including classes at many local colleges. The Seattle Chamber of Commerce has listings of all colleges and programs.

Why do teens love shoes?

They are cool.

What are the best fashion accessories for teens?

Some of the best fashion accessories for teens include watches, bracelets, rings, necklaces, belts, earrings, and handbags (female only). The specific accessory that is best depends entirely on the individual that would be wearing it.